Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

Continuing Medical Education Advisory Committee: The CME Advisory Committee meets four to six times a year. It is responsible for reviewing programs applying for CME credit. It is also responsible for helping the Office of CME to prioritize the CME needs of the institution and to promote excellence in CME programming. The Committee will monitor CME activities and will conduct an annual review of the University of Cincinnati's CME program. Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum: The Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum shall consist of the elected officers (President and President elect, the Past President, and Secretary (chosen by the President) and one representative of each Department of the College of Medicine. Department representation shall be selected by whatever mechanism the faculty of the Department chooses. Each Executive Committee departmental representative shall serve a term of three years, beginning September 1 of the first year and ending August 31 of the last year. Executive Committee departmental representatives must be full faculty members in the Department. Their status cannot be Emeritus, Volunteer or Adjunct. Heads of departments or divisions are not eligible to serve as Executive Committee departmental representatives. COM representatives to the All University Faculty Senate shall serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee advises the President of the Faculty Forum. Faculty Leave Committee: Considers applications from College of Medicine faculty for leaves of absence and sabbatical leaves. It evaluates the merits of applications and evaluates the impact of such leaves upon the College and the involved departments. Space Committee: This Committee deals with issues of space other than internal allocations by departments or divisions. The Honor Council: The Honor Council serves as the College's committee for review of professional conduct by medical students. It serves as the group to which issues of ethics and student behavior can be addressed. It promotes overall high standards of professional behavior by medical students. Physician Scientist Training Program: This Committee is responsible for the MD/PhD program. The Committee also interviews and recommends candidates for the program. Council for Graduate Education: The Council shall take deliberative and advisory action making recommendations as appropriate concerning graduate education and research in the College of Medicine to the Faculty Forum members, the College Dean, the Provost, and the Vice President for Research. Areas of concern include but are not limited to: recruiting and admission, graduate student fellowships and research support, faculty and department research support, graduate student orientation and training, graduate research and teaching honors, awards and prizes, degree requirements, administrative organization concerning graduate matters, proposals for new courses and degree programs, policies and procedures on graduate student conduct and grievances, and COM representation in graduate affairs. IX. Initiation of New Departments and Programs A majority of Faculty Forum members, as well as a department, may initiate a request for a new department or program. Such a request must be made in writing to the Council. The request proposal should detail the academic worth and need for the department or program as well as specifics of faculty, staff, facilities, courses, other resources, and budget. The COM Council may then, in its discretion, appoint an ad hoc committee to study and evaluate the proposal in detail.



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