Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK


UC College of Medicine employees must complete an annual report of collateral employment and outside activity , to comply with federal deadlines.

To complete the Outside Activity Report (OAR), follow this link (requires your Central Login username and password): https://webcentral.uc.edu/oar/index.cfm .

The OAR System uses HR data to route an employee’s outside activity report to his/her supervisor for the first level of review and approval. Supervisors know their employees’ university responsibilities and may have first-hand knowledge of activities they engage in outside of work. Supervisors should access 5-minute OAR Approver video and the supervisor job-aid at the links below: https://adminfinance.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_rmormtis https://canopy.uc.edu/bbcswebdav/orgs/org_219/OAR%20Supervisor%20Approver%20Job%20Aid.pdf WHO MUST REPORT? All employees – faculty and staff – with a full-time equivalency (FTE) of 50% or more must complete the OAR. In addition, all faculty and staff who engage in research at UC are required to complete the OAR regardless of their FTE percentage. At the discretion of the administrative unit head, other employee groups may also be required to submit a report. Please note that an individual may have appointments in multiple units, thus bringing their FTE to 50% or more. WHY MUST I COMPLETE THIS REPORT? Like all public institutions, UC is accountable to the public, and faces ongoing scrutiny of its adherence to professional, legal, and ethical standards. The OAR helps the university meet its obligations to comply with Ohio and federal mandates. WHAT ACTIVITIES MUST I REPORT? In general, you must report any activity outside of the scope of your normal UC duties – even duties performed at UC and unpaid activities. For full guidelines, see the OARwebsite. DOES THE UNIVERSITY OPPOSE OUTSIDE ACTIVITY? Generally speaking, no. The university supports faculty and staff engaging in outside professional activities and community service. Employees may do so, provided the university obtains sufficient information to meet its legal and ethical obligations and provided those outside activities do not present an unmanageable conflict with university duties. Please note that collateral employment requires prior approval . CONFLICT OF INTEREST TRAINING FOR RESEARCHERS In accordance with federal research regulations, the University of Cincinnati is requiring all individuals who conduct research at UC to complete the Conflict of Interest (COI) Training. The OAR will prompt you to complete the training



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