Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

Academic Health Center College of Medicine - Office of Faculty Affairs

UNIVERSITY OF l(� Cincinnati

PO Box 670554 Cincinnati, OH 45267-0554

Phone (513) 558-6132 Fax (513) 558-3513 Web www.med.uc.edu/facultyaffairs


College of Medicine Department Directors

College of Medicine Department RPT Committee Chairs College of Medicine Department RPT Delegates College of Medicine RPT Committee Alex B. Lentsch, PhD f� Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Development



July 12, 2019

Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Review Cycles


The following is the schedule for reappointment, promotion and tenure review deadlines for the 2019-2020 academic year. These deadlines must be met to ensure adequate time for review at each level. The attached lists indicate those faculty who, based upon our records, should undergo reappointment or tenure reviews. Please review your files carefully, to be certain no one has been omitted. In addition, please note that submission for promotion review is elective. Department chairs should provide copies of the College and Departmental RPT criteria to each faculty member whose name appears on the enclosed list. Departments will need to assist Faculty Affairs in tracking their consecutive one-year appointments, and be certain that faculty are notified of deadlines for submitting their dossiers. Please note that copies of letters of recommendation made at each step in the review process shall be transmitted to candidates for reappointment, promotion, or tenure, simultaneously with transmittal of the dossier to the next level of review. Letters of recommendation from Department RPT Committees and Department Chairs which are forwarded to Faculty Affairs without a notation that they have been copied to the candidate will be remanded to the Department for correction.



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