Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

PREAMBLE The College of Medicine (CoM) has three important missions: education, research and patient care. In order to fulfill these missions, collectively the CoM faculty must exhibit excellence in all three areas. However, each individual faculty member has a spectrum of responsibilities and skills that are not weighted equally across these 3 domains. In addition, effective fulfillment of these responsibilities may require dedication to activities that do not fit neatly into these 3 categories. Some examples include roles in building programs and community outreach and engagement (related to any of the 3 missions), excellence in mentoring and service to the department, college and university. These essential elements of building excellence are woven into the fabric of these CoM ARPT guidelines but may vary among departments as detailed in the ARPT documents and appointment letters specific to their academic unit. Each department must adopt this document as its guidelines, develop modifications to this document relevant to the department's specific mission or write department guidelines consistent with this document. Departmental guidelines shall incorporate a requirement for academic review and recommendation by the departmental ARPT Committee for appointment or reappointment. The College of Medicine's Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (ARPT) Committee will apply the departmental criteria when making their recommendation to the Dean. When a department is part of two colleges, its ARPT guidelines must reflect this. The standards and guidelines described in this document apply to all faculty. Although general criteria for scholarship and excellence do not change, some changes in specific standards and/or guidelines may be mandated during an individual faculty member's appointment. Each department shall ensure that faculty are informed of any changes in departmental ARPT criteria. It is a shared responsibility of the department director and each individual to be aware of current standards and guidelines as they apply to his or her own appointment, reappointment, promotion, or, if applicable, tenure. The faculty tracks in the CoM are described in detail in this document. Titles assigned by the university have importance and significance and it is strongly recommended that they be used accurately and appropriately. It should be recognized that the descriptions (with example criteria) are provided for most faculty in a particular track. There may be exceptions for specific individuals who have unusual qualifications and/or duties in a department. Such exceptional circumstances should be noted in the appointment letter and documented in the annual reviews of the facultymember. Designation as a “member of the bargaining unit” shall mean that the faculty member is represented by the AAUP. Clinical faculty in the CoM shall be defined as those (1) who are geographic full-time or, 2) whose compensation (from the university or elsewhere) derives in part from their patient care or patient support activities. Clinical faculty are not members of the AAUP Bargaining Unit. “Geographic full-time” shall mean full-time faculty in the CoM who, as part of their individual contract arrangement with the University, are employed by an outside entity for activities deriving from patient care or patient support,



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