Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

forward are also highly regarded. Phase IV and derivative pharmaceutical trials are generally given less weight.

4. Continuous membership and/or leadership on grant review committees and/or editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals. 5. Involvement in the administrative aspects of research such as organization and direction of research programs. Programs that result in funding from external sources are commendable. 6. Demonstrated ability to inspire trainees, junior colleagues and others toward independent scholarly research activities, through work with residents, medical students, and colleagues on collaborative projects and as mentors in a variety of other settings. 7. Leadership roles in national or international conferences, including as conference organizer, plenary or keynote speaker, or chair of key sessions. Evidence of excellence in teaching include: 1. Formal teaching and lecturing activities for promotion to professor are similar to those for associate professor but must reflect the prominence of the candidate on a national and/or international stage. These can include invited grand rounds, professorships, endowed lectureships, basic science lectures, teaching or consultation lectures. The national/international prominence of these lectures should be described (i.e. endowed lectures, national/international organization lectures and/or leadership inworkshops). 2. Evaluations from students, residents, and peers that demonstrate a sustained excellence in teaching/mentoring. This may include documentation of current status and/or success of previous trainees. 3. Description of administrative activities of the faculty member with regard to teaching, including the development and organization of new and innovative teaching or evaluation methods, directorship of a medical student clerkship or of a residency program, as well as leadership on departmental, college, and national education committees. Implementation of innovative methods at other institutions would represent evident of professor levelprominence. 4. Contributions to the intellectual community within a department, the college or nation through interactions with colleagues, residents, and students. The candidate may also contribute to the educational program building of students and resident’s curriculum.



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