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Dedicateci to the spiritual development of the Christian home T P h e K i n g © B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATIONOF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. Loult T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 4 • APRIL, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 Ar t i c l e s THE CHR IST IAN 'S POPULARITY — Vance Havner ................ 8 THE SIN WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO COMM IT! — Bruce W. Dunn .................................................... 1® ARE YOU THE M A N ? — Clarence W. Jones .......................... 13 FROM LIGHT TO LIGHT — Betty Bruechert ............. 19 THE MODERN CHURCH — James H. Christian ....................... 21 THE HIGH RISK OF TEEN ROMANCE ..................... 31 F e a t u r e s MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ........... 4 CHRISTIAN WORKERS CLIN IC — Chester Larson .................... 17 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................... 32 JUNIOR KING 'S BUSINESS .................................................. 34 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ............................ 36 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................... 40
C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ........................................................ 6
C o v e r Daffodill Hill, in California's Mother Lode country, three miles north of Volcano, an old mining town. Photo by Robert F. Campbell.
rnâin’s life w berQ iBibte as , he grows ||id is steadfast University has made since 1591/
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
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BILL EHMANN: Coordinator EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Felnberg, James O. Henry, Martha 5. Hooker
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ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offices in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press. Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638-
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
APRIL, 1967
a message from the editor
"Europe Our Campus"
Great Britain, Germany
T h e n ew spa pe r s on January 29, 1967 carried a lead article entitled "Furor Over Secret Briefing For ROTC Cadets,” by James Steem. The first paragraph of the newspaper item tells the story: " A secret army briefing, warning ROTC cadets to avoid links with 'dissident political groups’ has touched off a furor at the University of Washington that could boil into a national controversy.” The article goes on to state that this brief ing material was distributed to ROTC cadets in twenty-six schools throughout the western part of the United States. It was branded as "political propaganda and a frontal attack on the tradition of academic freedom.” The completely disturbing feature of this furor lies in the fact that (1 ) the ROTC cadets are trained with the expressed purpose in mind of becoming leaders in our armed forces after they gradu ate from college; (2) it is purely a voluntary organization in that students may elect ROTC or not as they choose. In view of these facts, we believe that the cadet should be warned to avoid links with dissident political groups. These howlers who are loudly shouting in favor of academic freedom clearly reveal the fact that the academic freedom they are hunting for is not true aca demic freedom, but merely the type that gives them the liberty to propagate their own anti-American and anti-Christian doc trines and at the same time stifle any other ideas which go con trary to their nefarious notions. What are we coming to anyway if we cannot be certain that the officers in our armed forces are unalterably opposed to any of the "dissident groups” that are seeking the destruction of our country? As stated above, the ROTC is purely a voluntary organiza tion. W e ask, therefore, why in the name of all that is sensible and reasonable, cannot these students have sufficient academic freedom to avoid links with the dissident groups if they choose so to do? O f course it is perfectly reasonable to realize that there THE KING'S BUSINESS
Switzerland, Italy
France Your desire to visit the historic sites ot Europe can become a reality through "Europe Our Cam pus." College age young people, school teachers, and anyone inter ested in travel through Europe with a Christian group will enjoy this tour which can provide up to six units ot college credit if de sired. Cost is less than any tour with comparable features, from New York $1324.00; from the West Coast $1570.00. JUNE 26-AUG. 8 Write for free brochure UNUSUAL TOURS
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are doubtless members o f the dissident groups who are actively engaged in the ROTC program. They, therefore, are loud in protesting any curtailment o f their underground activities, and once again the citizenry o f the United States is jeopardized by this hue and cry o f "academic freedom.” As a matter o f fact, we have heard this clamor until it has become almost nauseat ing. It is always used in favor o f those o f ideological persuasion who are opposed to the Christian American way o f life. Bible- believing Christians are accused o f being blind to academic free dom. A school, a church, or an organization can teach any and every kind o f unbelief. They can be anti-everything and they are proclaimed as being expositors o f academic freedom, but let a group o f individuals who voluntarily and willingly band them selves together because o f their common convictions which have been arrived at through the same processes o f academic freedom, and who unitedly hold to these convictions, and immediately they are accused o f shutting their minds to new ideas. They have their intellectual capabilities and they have ceased to maintain aca demic freedom on the part o f others— at least so it is claimed. This element which is creating the furor over the University o f Washington incident is the same element that has incited the incidents at the University o f California Berkeley campus. They are against everything that the government is endeavoring to do. They buck the war effort in Vietnam; they endeavor to forbid the sending o f troops over to southeast Asia; they are against the Un-American Activities Committee in Congress; they are against all discipline in the colleges and universities o f the land. In fact, they are aganist everything that America stands for. They yowl and howl, demanding their rights and they yowl and howl just as vigorously in their effort to deny the rights o f the vast majority o f the American people. The tragic part o f it all is that there are so many otherwise good American citizens who, in the name o f freedom o f speech and freedom o f action, go along with their mouthings. They are played up in the newspapers; they are given places o f prominence in televised interviews that are released during the various newscasts. They are given places o f promi nence in these newcasts while they are standing on the soapboxes, orating against all that America stands for. All o f this is carried on in the name o f freedom o f the press and the various news media. When any citizen or group o f citizens dare to protest their conduct and the place o f prominence they receive in pub licity, they are immediately accused by them and those who fol low them o f being "extreme rightests.” This is the utterly de plorable condition in which we find ourselves at the present time across the country. We hope and pray that the great majority o f our people will awaken to the seriousness o f these problems and with one voice reassert the American position, the American principles and the American doctrines under God, thus bringing back our land to the degree o f law, order and decency that it once enjoyed and for which no doubt the vast majority continues to long and pray. H b I
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People Mr. William T. Greig, Jr., Vice Presi dent of Gospel Light Publications, Glendale, California, has announced the appointment of Mr. Rodney Toews
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as Associate Direc tor of Education S e r v i c e s . M r . Toews will assist Mr. Dean Dalton who is Director of Gos pel Light’s Educa tion and Informa tion Division. In his n ew position Mr. Toews will
Comprehensive study of tropical diseases by use of films, slides and case study research. Practical laboratory analysis and clinical practice provided. M ISSIONARY NURSING M IDW IFERY
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Mr. Toews
represent Gospel Light at National and Local Christian education con ferences and church leadership semi nars. He will also participate in BBS clinics and Sunday school work shops in Colorado and New Mexico, and in the Middle West. A graduate of the University of Omaha and Bethel Seminary, Mr. Toews has served as minister of education at the First Bapt is t Church of Lakewood in Long Beach, California. In 1960 he assisted in the organization of the Southern California Directors of Christian Education Association and served as its president, secretary, and public relations director. Mr. Toews is available for services in the mid west and to the east coast for the fall of 1967. Inquiries may be ad dressed to the organization head quarters in Glendale, California. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision International, has announced the appointment of Mr. Larry Ward as the organization’s executive vice president and overseas director. This newly created position has been added “because of the vast accelera tion in our program overseas,” stat ed Dr. Bob Pierce. Establishing himself as a quali fied journalist, Mr. Ward joined the World Vision staff in April of 1957. He was Vice President of Informa tion and later as Presidential asso ciate, he toured more than forty countries. He spends the major por tion of his time overseas traveling with Dr. Bob Pierce. Mr. Ward also served for eight years as Executive Secretary of the Evangelical Press Association and Director of its EP news service. He is former manag ing editor of Christian Life and Christianity Today magazines. EXPO '67 has been announced as a major feature of the World’s Fair to be held in Montreal April 28 to Octo-
B io ta S c h o o l o f Wflis&ionary W edicL te m e 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638 and 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California 90017
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ber 27. “Man and His World” is the theme which has been selected for the Fair. The desire to present an evangelical witness to the claims of Christ at this Fair is evidenced by the project, “ EXPO ’67.” The Moody Institute of Science, with Dr. George Speake, will take charge of program ming and Curt Mackey, who headed up counseling at New York, will act in a similar capacity in Montreal. Budget for the project is set at $554,900, of which the cost of the building now nearly completed is $226,000. The pavilion is located in the Scientific and Industrial section of the Fair directly across from a prominent meeting area of the Rus sian Pavilion. Ken MeVety, TEAM missionary to Japan, has declared, “ Our Japanese people are avid readers and we can hardly keep ahead of the demand for new books.” MeVety, who is Direc tor of Word of Life Press, was re sponsible for the publishing of thir ty-three new book titles and seventy- five reprint editions last year. Two hundred and fifty thousand copies of the books were sold. A revised Japa nese New Testament, Bible commen taries, and World Aflame by Billy Graham were among the books pub lished. A sixty-four page monthly maga zine, The Gospel for the Millions, which has been published for sev eral years, is soon to be followed by the bi-weekly Christian newspaper. MeVety anticipates a wide circula tion for the paper and requests the prayers of Christian people. Howard Klassen, with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., has been named Canadian Home Director for the or ganization. Klassen and his wife Beatrice were assigned to Canada as Wycliffe rep resentatives in 1961. In 1949 they began work in Bible translation in the lowland Mixteco language of Mexico. Later Klassen served as As sociate Director of Wycliffe’s Mexico field program during the last years of their stay in Mexico. As Canadian Home Director, he will continue at Wycliffe headquarters in Calgary, Alberta. W. Dayton Roberts, Associate Gen eral Director of Latin American Mission, has announced plans for a rapid expansion in ministry to mass student populations of Latin Amer ica both on the university and high school levels. Participants in a mission consul tation on student work in Costa Rica recommended a comprehensive stra tegy for the rapidly-developing mis sion department, now to be known as its "Ministry to the Student World.”
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APRIL, 1967
T he C h r is t ia n ’s P o p u la r ity by Dr. Vance Havner
On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing* cen ters, our workers faith fully proclaim the story of redemption 'accord ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney General Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645
A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por- trait-of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav iour. A middle-aged Jew ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."
I N T H E P L A IN L I G H T of the New Testament and past Christian experience, it seems un thinkable that it should be nec essary to discuss such a question. But so hazy is the moral twilight and so dense is the spiritual fog these days that, believe it or not, we need to assert what should be perfectly obvious. Can a Christian be popular with this world? Let us under stand what we mean by "Chris tian” and “popular” and “ this world” . What is in mind is a normal New Testament Christian, a heart believer in the Lord Je sus Christ, walking with Him in faith and obedience. A mere pro fessing Christian or a backslider may be popular and often is. By “ popular” we mean approved and well-liked. By “this world” we mean the people o f this present age living by the standards of unregenerate humanity. “ This present world” is not an abstrac tion. Only people can love and hate and we mean just about what is called “ society” , people at home down here living by the code of this age. It is possible for a Christian to be respected by people in this world. They may sense that he has “ something” and they may have regard for his character and integrity. But that is not popu larity. No true Christian can be received gladly into standing and fellowship with a world that knows not God. He belongs to the new race of the second Adam; he belongs to a holy nation (I Peter 2 :9 ), and his citizenship is in heaven. He has been chosen out of this world, in it but not of it, that he may go back into it to win others out o f it, as our Lord
made clear in the seventeenth chapter of John. But he cannot possibly be popular with a world that crucified his Lord. Our Sav iour Himself made that so clear that we wonder how anyone can ever imagine popular Christian ity. He said: “ I f the world hate, you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have cho sen you out of the world, THERE FORE THE WORLD HATETH YOU” (John 15:18, 19). If that does not mean what it says, what can it mean? In this connection, Dr. A. T. Robertson asked, “Does the world hate us? I f not, why not? Has the world become more Christian or Christians more worldly?” Dr. G. Campbell Mor gan declared, “ The world hates Christian people, that is, if they see Christ in them. The measure in which the world agrees with us and says we are really a fine type of Christian, we are so en tirely broad, is the measure in which we are unlike Christ.” Gyp sy Smith said, “ I f you are in with Christ, you are out with the world.” Alexander McLaren put it this way: “ The measure of our discord with the world is the measure of our accord with the Saviour.” Our Lord’s words to His disci ples suggest anything else but popularity. He prepared them to expect persecution, reproach, rid icule, even death. “ALL that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (II Tim. 3: 12). We are to go unto Him with out the camp bearing His re proach, not enjoying His popu larity. We are to share the fellow- THE KING'S BUSINESS
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ship of His sufferings, not the fellowship of His popularity. On one occasion our Lord’s brothers advised Him to go into Judea, get before the public and show Himself to the world. They thought He was not handling His publicity right. The next verse tells us that they did not believe in Him. They were of the world and that is the kind o f advice the world gives. Now this was a test case, a show-down. What did our Lord say: “My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready.” This is the world’s time, for it is “man’s day.” Then fol lows a statement that ought to clear up forever this matter of popularity: “ The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testify o f it that the works thereof are evil.” Let us put this passage alongside the one we quoted earlier, John 15:18, 19, and what do we have ? To the un believing, the Lord says, “The world cannot hate you.” Of Him self He said, “But me it hateth.” To His disciples He says, “ The world hateth you.” Again He said, “ I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them be cause they are not o f the world even as I am not o f the world” (John 17:14). It is quite true that Christians are often disliked for reasons other than their loyalty to Christ. Often we bring deserved reproach upon ourselves by our un-Christ- likeness. The cause o f our Lord is often shamed by our wrong attitudes and behaviour. We some times excuse our lack of friends by saying we bear the reproach of the cross when we do no such thing. Some labour under the no tion that everything that is said against us is to be a cause o f re joicing. But we are to rejoice only when such accusation is false and for Christ’s sake. Too many things that are said about us may be true! Just the same, no true Chris tian can be popular with a world that hates his Lord. The friend of the world is the enemy of God
and if we love the world the love of the Father is not in us . . . and if the world loves us there is ground for real concern. We can not travel the way of the cross and the way of the world at the same time. They go in opposite directions. It is surprising that anyone can imagine a Christian being popular with a world that denies all he affirms and affirms all he denies. Of course the idea o f a popular Christianity has been with us ev er since the church lost her pil grim character and settled down in this world. It was unthinkable until believers lost their blessed hope and began building a reli gious empire on earth. There are clever arguments. Lot moves into Sodom to rescue it but Sodom usually ruins Lot. The Scriptures do not teach a holier-than-thou Pharisaism but the alternative is not a popular church living in “ peaceful co-existence” with the world, the flesh and the devil. Right now even evangelical Chris tianity is beset with a fashionable tolerance that confuses stretching its conscience with broadening its mind. There are diplomats out to establish good will between Christ and Belial. A new brand o f Chris tianity acceptable to this age is part of the devil’s program to break down the wall and subtly erase the line o f demarkation be tween the church and the world. About all we are to expect from this world is trouble. “ In the world ye shall have tribulation.” Yet we are not to be long-faced martyrs about it. “ Be o f good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” We are to overcome it too. We are not here to explain it, endure it, enjoy it, but to over come it. “ And this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith.” Our Lord said, “ I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them.” We must choose between the WORD and the WORLD. One cannot be loyal to the first and be loved by the second. No true Christian can be popular with this world. HE
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APRIL, 1967
by Rev. Bruce W. Dunn
fretful care and anxiety — can be destructive of health, to say nothing of a personal witness for Jesus Christ. One such book by a Dr. Ed Podolsky is called “ Stop Worrying and Get Well.” Here are some of the chapter titles: “What Worry Does to the Heart; High Blood Pressure and Worry; Rheu matism and Worry; How Worry Can Cause a Cold; Worry and the Diabetic; Worry and the Thyroid.” If you and I believe that the Bible is correct when it says that our bodies are the temples o f the Holy Spirit, that we are therefore to glorify God in our bodies as well as in our spirits which are His, then from that standpoint alone we ought to be con cerned about the effects of this sin upon our effec tive witness for Jesus Christ. It seems to me as you read the New Testament accounts of those early believers, one trait stands out in large meas ure: the composure, the dignity, the poise, with which those early Christians accepted all the chang ing circumstances of life. This impressed the world! In Acts you read that when the ruler saw that it pleased the people that James was put to the sword, he took Peter also and put him in prison. He was kept in the inner ward, chains about his feet and ankles, sleeping between two soldiers. Ah — there’s something — sleeping between two sol diers! — unconcerned for the morrow. Those early disciples rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name. In Acts 16, we read that Paul and Silas went from prison, having been beaten for Jesus’ sake, to the Philippian be lievers, and having comforted them, they departed. Note that — those who were beaten, those who had been in prison — they comforted the church. One would expect to read it in the other way — that the church comforted them. Someone says, “Well, you know, Pastor, it’s natural to worry.” I will have to agree with you, but since when was the Christian life ever to be
W E w a n t t o d i s c u s s in this article the sin that we are not afraid to commit. When I say the sin that we are not afraid to commit, I am talking about evangelical Christians — God’s own believ ing people. “The Sin That We Art Not Afraid To Commit.” There are, of course, many sins from which all of us would flee as we would flee from Satan him self — the more obvious, the more crude, the more vulgar sins, with which any true believer will have no part and which he quickly recognizes as dis honoring to Christ and destructive of his personal witness. Unfortunately, there are other kinds of sins that are not quite as recognizable by us, so it seems, which I dare suggest in some ways are more destructive and more dishonoring to Jesus Christ than some of the more easily identified ones. The sin that we are talking about is the sin of fretful care — the sin of anxiety, or to describe it more bluntly with a word more familiar to all of us, worry — the sin that we are not afraid to commit. I recall years ago how my brothers and I would sometimes say to mother, “A Christian isn’t sup posed to worry, Mom.” She would reply, in her Scotch brogue, “ I’m no’ exactly worrying, I’m just a wee bit burdened aboot it.” Perhaps you are “ a wee bit burdened aboot it,” or perhaps you are fretful and anxious to the point of grieving the Lord as if your Heavenly Father knew nothing about your problem, as if He didn’t have a plan in it at all. We have the mistaken notion, so it seems, that such fretful care is not a sin, that it is perhaps a failing of our natures or our disposi tions, something over which there can be no victory and from which there can be no deliverance. Yet books have been written by men in the medical profession, and by others, showing how worrying—
There are six statements on this subject in Matthew 6 which Jesus made that are worthy of our attention. The first one is in verse 25: “ Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or about what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment ?” Here is an argument from the greater to the lesser. Can you give life? No. God has given life. An Omni potent Creator has given life. This is His preroga tive. This is His function. This is what He alone can do. He says, “ Is not life more than meat?” If God has given you life, do you think He cannot give you food and meat to sustain the life? If He has given the greater, can He give the lesser? No you can’t, but God can! Don’t you suppose this wonderful Creator who made these marvelous or ganisms — our bodies — can provide some clothes to put on that body? If God has done the greater, can He not do the lesser? The second is in the verse 26: “ Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into the barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” Some in His audience were skeptical and saying, “ Yes, He can but will he?” He can do the greater or lesser but will He do the lesser? There’s a won derful, warm touch here that blesses my heart: “ Your Heavenly Father feeds the birds.” He feeds that which is among the lowest of His creation. But you are a purchased possession who has been bought by the redemptive price o f the precious blood of Jesus! Any Heavenly Father who goes around feeding the little birds whom He did not die to redeem, is certainly more likely to take care o f those for whom He has paid such a great price as the sacrifice of His only begotten Son — an argument from the lesser to the greater. The third is in verse 27: “Which of you by being anxious, can add a cubit to his stature (age) ?” The Greek word here can be translated either age or stature, although the measurement of a cubit goes better with translation of stature. Let’s read it this way first: “Which of you by being anxious can add?” The answer to that ques tion is nobody! If the question had been worded: “Which- of you by being anxious can subtract?” , the answer to that question would be everybody. Some times even the body bends beneath the weight of care and anxiety. Certainly, this subtracts from a man’s age. Undoubtedly there are graves in ceme teries all over America where lie the sleeping bodies of truly believing people who cheated God out of 10, perhaps 15 or more years of life, be cause they worried themselves into their graves ahead of time. In verse 32 is the fourth: “After all these things do the Gentiles seek.” The word Gentile is the same as heathen. Everybody outside of God’s covenant ii
lived on the plane of the natural? Since when were believers supposed to do “what comes nat urally?” I remember a true story of a man going into a bicycle shop in Toronto, Canada, to purchase a bicycle for a missionary friend in a remote part of the world where there were transportation prob lems and where a bicycle would have added to the effectiveness of his work. He went into the shop and told the salesman why he was there, what he was purchasing, who it was for, and where it was going. “ You mean to say that this friend of yours left the comforts and conveniences of America and went out to this God-forsaken place (as he put it) ? Do you mean to tell me that he left here all of his loved ones, his parents and family and went out alone? Why, that’s not natural!” The man who was there to make the purchase said, “No sir, it’s not natural — it’s supernatural!” You see, there are those normal and understand able human reactions to the changing experiences of life but above and beyond that there ought to be what is a distinctively Christian reaction. When financial loss comes there is a natural and under standable human reaction. There ought to be a Christian reaction ! When bereavement comes, there is a natural human reaction. There ought also to be a Christian reaction! Such a reaction will be observed and noted by the world, and it will make its impact felt. Going to pieces under pressures of life loudly tells the world that our Christian faith isn’t doing much for us. The non-Christian beholds and says, “You do not have anything more than we unbelievers do because you crack up under pressure like the rest of us. What do you have that we don’t have?” This is the tragedy of lost influ ence and testimony which too often happens. The Book of Proverbs says that, “ if thou faint in the day o f adversity, thy strength is small.” What a verse! Who can’t be a Christian when family health is good, the pay checks are coming in, you have a job tomorrow morning, a bed to sleep in tonight, good meals today? What about when the roof caves in, times get rough, and you’re under the spotlight of the world? That’s when un believers have their eye on you to detect if there is anything that helps you through this that they don’t have. Let’s remember this is destructive of a Christian testimony to say nothing of the health of our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled nei ther let it be afraid.” He spoke in a great prophetic sermon about the tremendously tragic times that would come upon the earth and He said when these things come to pass “ see that you be not troubled.” The implication is that life is so built and the world is so made that almost automatically we will have troubled hearts. The very nature of life tends to crack us up, break us down, disturb the soul, and stir up our minds. APRIL, 1967
people, Israel, were a part of the heathen world, not knowing God, without Him, and without hope in the world. The Lord Jesus rebukes His disciples: “Now when you are anxious about these things (perhaps we ought to emphasize the word things right at this spot), remember that after all these things do the heathen seek.” It is heathenish to worry! You are acting like a man who bows down to a God of wood and stone who did not create him, who is not alive, who does not hear, who does not speak, who does not know, who does not think, is not aware of the needs of his wor shippers, and who, if he did know the needs, would be helpless to do anything about them. Jesus said His disciples were not to live as if God were dead. In verse 33 is the fifth reply to this whole busi ness : Put first things first! “ Seek ye first the king dom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Maybe the reason why some of us lose sleep at night is because that down in our hearts we have this guilty realization that we have not been seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We haven’t been tak ing care of God’s business and so to teach us a lesson God has suddenly stopped taking care of ours, momentarily. He has permitted trials and tests to come, though always measuring them to us and controlling them so as to fulfill His purpose in us. One of Satan’s most successful strategies in putting Christians out o f business as far as being effective witnesses is concerned, is to get their at tention on secondary matters. “ Seek first the king dom of God” and when you do that God has won derful ways of taking care of our best interests. Now for the last statement we turn to verse 24: “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Not “ excessive” but “ sufficient.” The evil referred to here is not evil in general, but the daily load of care he has been talking about, the burdens, anxie ties of life. He says each day’s load o f care and responsibility will be sufficient. It will never be excessive. Get the picture? You have in this Scrip ture a personal guarantee from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself that no 24-hour period of your life will have in it more problems than you can handle through Christ. It will not have more bur dens than you can bear through Christ. It will not have rougher circumstances than you can stand through Christ. This is His personal guarantee that every believing heart can get through one day — “ Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” We are so foolish to add tomorrow’s cares and next week’s care even next month’s care. You know we might be in heaven before tomorrow. The Lord Jesus Christ might be back again to receive us unto Himself before tomorrow. How foolish it is! I like the way a modem writer put this verse and I understand he made a million dollars out of his
book on worry. He said, “ Learn to live in day- tight compartments.” “ Lord Jesus, I am going to trust you for today. Get me through today. I may be in heaven before tomorrow morning; get me through today by thy grace!” In Philippians 4, you have the lesson of thank ful praying. “ In nothing be anxious but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiv ing let your requests be made known unto God” and the requests will be granted? No, it does not say that! It says “ in nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplication with prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus,” whether the answer is yes or no or wait. The promise is the receiving o f the peace of God regardless of what the answer to those requests might be. Some years ago the United States Public Health Service put out bulletins that said this: “ So far as is known, no bird ever tried to build more nests than its neighbor. No fox ever fretted because he had only one hole in which to hide. No squirrel ever died of anxiety lest he should not lay by enough for two winters instead of one. And no dog ever lost any sleep over the fact that he had not enough bones laid aside for his declining years.” How true! The Psalmist says, “ I have been young and now I am old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.” Read the first two chapters o f Job. Note how God boasts about Job and Satan challenges Him. Satan admits that God has put hedges about Job— a hedge about his family and possession, a hedge about his health, a hedge about his life. Possessions, family, health, and life itself can only be taken in the will of God as He removes a hedge. God meas ured out with perfect control the sufferings of Job so that he was not permitted to receive above what he was able to bear. That’s the kind of care that God has over us. I can’t believe that God is less in terested in us than He was in Job. “ In nothing be anxious!” Two elderly gentlemen lived in a home for sen ior citizens. One day one of them said to the other, “You know, there is something I can’t understand about you.” “Oh, what’s that?” asked his friend. “You go to bed at night and sleep till morning as round as a baby. I wake up several times during vhe night and am restless and fitful in sleep. How in the world do you do it? I wish I could sleep like that.” His companion replied, “ I’ll tell you. Many years ago I read that the Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps. I believed it then and I still believe it today. I decided then that it didn’t make much sense for both of us to be up all night, and so I decided to go to sleep and let Him take over.” Let us be as wise as that gentleman! OB
by Clarence W. Jones
and experienced personnel “ lock the doors.” As of now not enough young people have caught the vi sion of making the field of Christian communi cations their life’s career, under God. This is not the fault of radio or TV put to the uses of the Church or missions, for the horizon is more vast and varied today than in all the 43 years since the first Christian programs were broadcast. Rath er, it seems that not enough publicity has been given to the needs of the microphone ministry, the recording studio, and the transmitter which serve the Gospel. Not just one type of work is required, but dozens! As in all growing and flourishing enterprises, Gospel broadcasting has progressed rapidly from the simple to the complex. What one or two people could do, or had to do, in the “ early days” not so long ago, now in most instances requires a full- 11
W h a t d o e s IT t a k e to operate a Christian radio station today? For that matter, what is in volved in setting up the first steps to produce a good Gospel program? If a person or group en deavors to buy or build a station for religious purposes, what is involved? These are questions often asked those in Chris tian circles who specialize in communicating the Gospel by radio and television “ at home” or abroad. While the answers must differ by the nature of things, one factor in common applies to all three aspects of the business of making the Gospel mes sage known via telecommunications. It is the basic element of personnel: having the right people for the job. As in every phase o f secular business as well as the King’s business, literally scores of glorious opportunities await, but lack of properly trained
APRIL, 1967
Beginning on page 37 THE KING’S BUSINESS provides helpful information on Christian radio stations through the RADIO DIRECTORY.
casting is envisioned. So many times in original calculations of finance, the capital investments for transmitter or studio costs are well planned, but no thought is given to the continuing operational costs. This shortsightedness results in almost constant pushing of the “panic button” for financial aid on the air. If a Gospel broadcast min istry is to survive with dignity and profit spiritually, it must give prior attention to building a strong pattern of “ sustainers.” Here, the confidence in the integrity of the broadcaster evoked in his potential “ help ers” is of enormous importance. While the above-listed four elements in prepar ing for Gospel Broadcasting only outline the main structure, they do emphasize the major items to be considered in the “ business” itself as well as the kind of personnel needed to accomplish the task. Before thinking of whom we must have to help us, it is necessary to look at what kind of broadcast ing we are entering into, and where it will be effected. At least five types or “ categories” of broad casters in Christian service exist. These have to do with location or organizational structure. They are (1) domestic, (2) overseas, (3) constituency- supported, (4) commercial-supported, (5) inde pendent or church mission connected. Obviously, it makes a great deal of difference in planning opera tional procedures whether our Gospel broadcasting venture is based “ at home” or overseas on some mission field. Location of our effort will certainly determine whether the ministry can be supported commercially or must depend upon gifts and sub sidy. Again, the connections established with groups, such as churches, denominations, or mis sions, or the independent nature of the enterprise must enter into decisions concerning the type of people invited to share the opportunity for Chris tian broadcasting in one or more of its areas of service. Failure properly to investigate all angles involved can result in confusion and delay, not to mention disappointment and “ drop-out” altogether for a new radio or TV ministry which otherwise might have succeeded. THE KIND OF PEOPLE NEEDED IN GOSPEL BROADCASTING. There are three major areas of service in Chris-
fledged staff. The reason for all this is self-evident in the astonishing fact that Gospel broadcasting has come “ of age” and is experiencing all the ex pansion problems of a boy’s growing to manhood. Whether considering a station, a studio, or a pro gram, the planner has to face some of the follow ing challenges if not all of them. THE GOSPEL BROADCASTING PICTURE TODAY. Four broad factors should be observed: 1. The Broadcaster himself. His own vision and genuine “ call” to the ministry of Gos pel broadcasting, as well as his capacity to fulfill its exacting demands. Too many have entered too lightly into religious ra dio and TV work without counting the cost or “ paying the price o f preparation.” 2. The Government regulations involved. In every country the right to “ use the air” is controlled by government agencies, and the matter of broadcast permits, legal obliga tions, and constant observance of regula tions are of prime importance. Especially in overseas Gospel broadcasting, we say we have no “ right-just a sacred privilege” of being on the air. Here is where ethics and scrupulous adherence to operating pro cedures, established by supervising au thorities, exalt the Gospel. 3. The Audience anticipated. We may give far too little evaluation o f the “ listeners” we expect to reach in preparing to set up our contribution to religious radio or TV. Almost before anything else is done, we should make a survey o f the kind o f po tential audience we shall most likely “ face.” This depends upon the kind of station we use (that is, commercial, church or mission-owned, etc.). Of course, the geographic and cultural areas in which we locate, or to which we broadcast, will determine many factors automatically. The matter of age, time, and special charac teristics o f our hoped-for listening audi ence should affect the study of our ability to meet those needs. 4. The Sustainers of our work. This vital fac tor takes in constituency or clients, which ever basis for supporting the Gospel broad
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