Sponsor a Korean O rphan -W ith Triple Returns
OPEN YOUR HEART TO A CHILD PICTURED HERE These and many others in our orphanages are hoping for a “ Daddy and Mommy” or “ Big Brother or Sister.” Only $10 a month provides loving Christian care for an abandoned Korean child—shelter, clothing, food, medical care and all necessities, including cost of school supplies. One Missionary Superintendent writes, “ I greatly appreciate your loyal help and the blessing it has been to all the children. If not for this Home, most of these would be beggars today—ignorant, filthy, diseased and without hope. May God richly reward you for the wonderful work you are doing.” Some of these children and hundreds in our 171 other Compassion Homes are with out sponsors. The father of one of our children, Son Jung Soon, died of disease when she was only three. Her mother died the following year. Neighbors cared for her temporarily before bringing her and two sisters to our Home in Pusan. The parents of Yoon Yang Won were both lost at sea when their small boat sank in a storm. He and his sister were kept by neighbors for several weeks and then brought to us. YOUR LIFE W ILL BE ENRICHED
VISITATION I s V isitation a lost art to you and your church? Perhas you need to re-define and re-emphasize the “what and why” of Visitation. The dictionary says “ Visitation is going to see a person, place or thing” or to “ call or make calls.” Again the dictionary tells us that it involves three things: 1. A person assigned to go on the mission; 2. Something to be carried by that per son; 3. A person who is to receive that which is to be delivered. God has given us a mi ss ion through visiting. We are to go and tell others about Christ. We have a message which needs to be delivered and there are many people who need to hear the message. Here now we come to a vital ques tion: Why don’t more people visit? What factors prohibit Chri st i ans from doing more visitation? Some answers to these questions are: lack of time, lack of interest, fear of ap proaching strangers, and not know ing what to say, involvement in other projects. The real answer actually must be that there is a lack of proper motivation. What motivates people to visit? Is it because the pastor asked them to do so? Is it to gain points for a con test? Certainly no true and effective visitation program can be built on this. What then are the real goals that furnish the right motivation for vis itation? Here are three important aims: 1. To evangelize the lost. 2. To educate or train the Christian. 3. To enlarge the effectiveness of the work. The greatest motive for visita tion is the love of Christ which con strains us (not restrains us) and a concern for the lost all around us. Finally, what are some of the re-
The child you select will know you as sponsor. You will receive the child’s picture, address and life story. Letters and parcels may be sent and will be acknowledged promptly in English. Sponsors are TH R IL L E D and BLESSED by this personal contact. Ask a friend or relative to share a sponsorship with you—only $5 each —or interest your Sunday school or other group.
Compassion will send a pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes to each new sponsor.
C O M P A S S IO N ... Cares for more than 22,700 Korean children.
Maintains 172 orphanages (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children),
supervised by Bible-believing staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government. LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA masam Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder
Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God's help, I want to sponsor a child for $10.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is Number---------- . If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as soon as possible. I prefer □ boy □ girl, approximately------ years of age. □ Please send folder, “Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $------------------enclosed.
Interdenominational, Gov.-approved non-profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Dept. K 4 7 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Compassion of Canada Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario
Sponsorship and gifts tax-deductible.
City______________ :_____ State__________ Zip.
APRIL, 1967
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