King's Business - 1967-04

wards of visitation? 1. There are rewards for our Lord — trophies of grace won because Christians fol­ lowed His commands. 2. There are rewards for the visitor — increased vitality in his Christian life. 3. There are rewards for the visited — en­ couragement for the sick, blessing for the shut-ins, and lost souls won to Christ. 4. There are rewards for the church — individuals will bene­ fit from Bible instruction and the fellowship of God’s people and the church will extend its ministry. To summarize: A visitation pro­ gram has the Bible for its authority, the Lord Jesus for its example, the New Testament church as its pat­ tern, a lost and dying humanity as its necessity, wisdom as its basis, and the Holy Spirit for its empow­ erment. CHANNEL 23 ON TV Frequently we hear reports of the excessive amount of time Americans are spending in front of their televi­ sion sets. This is an area to which every Christian must give serious con­ cern as he thinks of the stewardship of his time. A young lady in New Guinea, giving a year of her life to missionary service, recently wrote that she was having a tremendous time discovering the thrill of reading good books. She added, "W h y did I spend so much time watching television back home in the States?" Could it be that the believer is often substituting the T V set for the place that God wants in His life? Someone has penned these thoughts in the following parody en­ titled, "Channel 23 Psalm." — Ray Syrstad The T V is my shepherd, I shall not want. It maketh me to sit down and do little for the cause of Christ, because it requireth all my spare time. It keepeth me from doing my duty as a missionary because it presenteth so many good programs that I must see. It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world; it keepeth me from studying God's Word. It leadeth me into paths of failure in pioneer evangelism and doing good in the kingdom of God. Yea, though I live to be a hun­ dred, I shall keep on viewing my T V as long as it will work. For my T V is my close companion, it's sound and fury comfort me. It presenteth entertainment before me and keepeth me from doing im­ portant things with my family. It filleth my head with ideas which differ from those set forth in God's Word. Surely no good thing will come of my life, because my T V offers me no time to do God's will, and I will dwell in spiritual poverty forever.

While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfort­ able, convenient. Reasonable rates by day- week or month. Dining Room. Next to the historic Church o f the Open Door and the Central Los Angeles Public Library. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. RATES ON ROOMS Without Bath SINGLES DOUBLE Twin Bads With Bath SINGLE DOUBLE Day $ 2.00 J 2.S0 5 3.50 Day S 3.50 S 5.00 Week 11.00 13.50 18.50 Week 22.00 31.00 Month 42.50 52.50 52.50 Month 67.50 77.50


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