LIGHT (cont. from p. 25) Christ, he is a new creature” ! As Billy Graham pressed the claims upon the audience: “ There is yet time — there is yet time! Bill wanted to rush out of the building. Instead, he found him self literally running down the ramp with the hundreds who sought the counseling rooms. A deeply sincere man, an auto me chanic, taking out his well-worn Bible, showed the young actor the way of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. Soon Bill was kneeling and praying the sinner’s prayer. God met him, and he rose to walk in newness of life, to make a complete about-face in his exis tence. After sharing with his dear mother the good news of his sal vation, Bill immediately associat ed himself with other Christians, joining the Christian Arts Fel lowship, headed by Jerome Hines of grand-opera fame, and becom ing a member of Calvary Baptist Church and their Professional Group. Earnestly he began to study his mother’s Bible which now became a new book to him. Soon it was obvious to his theat rical associates that Bill was in deed a “new creature” but they predicted that the “ religious phase” would not last. They were so wrong! It was Broadway which did not last—for Bill. The life which had accompanied the glamor had lost all its charm for him. Sincerely he could repeat the words of Hamlet so well-known to him: “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world!” So as soon as his contracts ex pired, Bill gave up the theater al together. Meantime the Lord had sent a wonderful ray of sunshine into his life. In 1959, Bill met, fell in love with, and married Barbara Precht, an attractive, aspiring young actress who had been try ing modelling as a step up the lad- (Continued on page 28)
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