near-fatal illness when so easily he might have slipped into heav en. Likely all of these things were the result of his mother’s prayers for him. So Bill should not have been surprised when in 1963, as he was planning a tour along the West Coast, he was oifered a small country church! This called for some serious prayer on his own, and after he had spent a night in prayer, Bill accepted the call of the Machias Community Church, of Machias, Washington, sponsored by Village Missions, Inc. The members o f the charm ing, little, white, New England- type church opened their doors and hearts to Bill and his family. Of course, his mother’s delight knew no bounds. In the provi dence of God, three weeks later, this faithful, saintly, loving wom an suddenly went to be with the Lord. It seemed as if, her prayers for her son being so abundantly answered, she could now “ rest from her labors.” Bill could say from a full heart: “And her works do follow her.” It is said of the lovely Snoho mish County community in Wash ington: “Once it was famous for a horse named ‘Mustard Plaster’ ; now it is renowned because of its Broadway actor turned country parson.” Here the thirty-eight- year-old pastor, with his lovely Barbara and three energetic, Scripturally - named sons, Ste phen, David and Philip, live hap pily and healthfully, but not wealthily! Occasionally they ven ture out into the vast world, espe cially along the Pacific Coast, where their dramatic talents are owned of the Lord. For the most part, however, they minister to their own parish and to the un saved round about them. Says Bill Roberts convincingly: “My life is no longer empty, but filled with joy and peace.” Of his mother he speaks with fervent gratitude: “ She prayed me from the bright lights of Broadway to the real light of the world, Jesus Christ.” ■3
C. S. Lew is . Christian Reflections. The first posthumous work of the great Christian apologist. Fourteen essays composed during his latter years, most of them published here for the first time. Included, among others, are reflections on Literature, Culture, Ethics, Petitionary Prayer.
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