tki&Sitmefc plan to combine CONCENTRATED BIBLE STUDY Sacred Music Christian Education with an inexpensive, purposeful vacation in Chicago (jatbU/ttoiDN 1
LSD (continued from page 31) pie frequently see common things as strikingly beautiful, and look with fascination at ordinary objects for minutes at a time. But not all is beauty, and some users find them selves seeing terrible things which cause them horrible agonies. Another effect is that a person may think he has unusual clarity of mind. One member of a group taking the drug in Boston tore off his clothes and had to be restrained from attempting to phone the president of the United States and the premier of Russia to advise them to settle their differ ences by taking LSD. There is a place in San Francisco which is financed by money given by church members for missionary work, but the place bears no notice able resemblance to a mission. It is reported that during a performance held there one person removed all his clothes and danced nude for 60 sec onds. The director in charge said that in this dance the man was try ing to interpret an experience he had under the influence of LSD. While under the influence people may think they cannot be harmed. One man stepped in front of a speed ing car in the belief that it could not harm him. He was killed. Some people believe they are above the law. Others get suicidal desires. The effects start about a half hour after taking the drug and last ten hours or more. People who take it and drive are obviously a very great hazard on the highway. A person may become mentally de ranged permanently through a single use of the drug. Also after a single use, recurrence of mental derange ment may occur at a subsequent time without further use. No one knows what long-range effects there may be. People who experiment with LSD may find themselves in a hospital, an asylum, a prison, or may end up in the. morgue. Yet there are those who advocate the use of LSD as a means Of gaining deeper understand ing of the world and of one’s self. Paul wrote to Timothy about a time when people would be without natural affection. This no doubt is manifest in various ways, but how about the following as an example from the users of LSD? (Vocabu lary: “ take a trip” means to come under the influence of LSD; “ acid” means LSD.) “When my husband and I want to take a trip together, I just put a little acid in the kids’ orange juice in the morning and let them spend the day freaking out in the woods.” (To be continued)
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to students, teachers,^ issionaries. pastors, office workers and busy laymen f r a t t e ^
June 19-July7 • July10-28 Classes in more than 50 accredited Bible and related subjects . . . carefully selected for people who want to improve and en large their effectiveness in Christian ser vice . . . taught by Moody’s outstanding faculty of Bible teachers, Christian edu cators and gospel musicians. * * * Tuition is FREE ... board and room • J H at the school as low as $27.50 per 1M il il J Ik week. {- *11jjlpU Plan to enjoy a fine, low-cost vaca tion in Chicago this summer . . . classes in the mornings leave after noons and evenings free for study, •I i «:I I{![!1 relaxation, sight-seeing and shop ping. j a m * * * i l l | > f j |
... and 2 Week
S p e c ia l
J U L Y 10 -21 Four Bible courses planned to accom modate those with limited time for study. WORKSHOPS AND SEM INARS June 19-July 7 Missionary Literature Workshop Specialized for missionaries on fur lough and missionary candidates. Three main parts: (1) Writing, (2) Pub lishing, (3) Distribution. Fundamentals of Christian Broadcasting Using excellent facilities of WMBI, class covers fundamentals of gospel broadcasting. July 10-28 Open-Air Evangelism Seminar SPEC IAL WORKSHOPS June 26-July 1 Church Music July 10-14 Management Seminar for Christian Workers
FOR FREE CATALOG and APPLICATION PAPERS Application papers must be mailed back at least 10 days before the opening of the session you plan to attend.
INTERDENOMINATIONAL • EVANGELICAL Dept. 4K7 M O O D Y BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, III. 60610 w il l ia m C u l b e r t s o n , president • S. MAXWELL CODER, dean Please send me Summer folder, catalog and application papers. Name___________________________________________ .______________________
Address. City____
APRIL, 1967
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