King's Business - 1967-04

DON'T/FORGET TO HOE Rev. Richard DeHaan , Teacher Radio Bible Class

marriage really works. It works if the two people involved are precociously mature, well aware of what they are getting into, and stubborn about achieving joint goals together. Almost everyone can cite the case of the two teens who made it, to the surprise of all. But if you look into their background, you will find they were two solid individuals with experience in personal responsibility. They ex­ ercised self-control in seeking gratification. They had the ability to think of the future, to under­ stand what life is about, and, above all, to understand and re­ spect each other’s needs. In oth­ er words, to act beyond their years. Yet, the Family Service Asso­ ciation says, after marriage teen­ agers are not so sure. An attitude frequently encountered is, “ If it doesn’t work, I can always get a divorce.” The average teens have three strikes against them when they start married life. Their savings are almost nil — a University of Michigan study found that half of all teen couples have a net worth of less than $250; in the nation as a whole, half of all fam­ ilies show a net worth of over $4,700. He can’t get a job easily — the unemployment rate for teen-age boys is 12.5 percent, but 3.2 per­ cent for men 20 and over. Earn­ ings are minimal — the median income of working teen-agers is about $2,200 a year, hardly enough to keep a car, pay the grocer, and buy clothes. ( Continued on vnge Ul)

D RIVING through a small vil­ lage in Pennsylvania, we saw these words on a church bulletin board: “ Pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing.” An excellent bit of advice, indeed! How foolish it would be for a farmer to ask the Lord for a good crop, but fail to plant the seed! How futile would be his prayers for an abundant yield, if after the seed had been sown he refused to cultivate and nur­ ture it. Rather, he must protect it, and use every means at his disposal to produce a bumper crop. Yet, how often we fail to ap­ ply this principle in other af­ fairs of life. We pray for an unsaved loved one; yet we never sow the seed of the Word — never speak a word o f testi­ mony. We pray for God to bless the work of our church and give us a great harvest of souls; but, when we are asked to help in some way — such as teach a

Sunday school class — we sud­ denly find a dozen excuses not to do so. We bend our knees in earnest petition for one who is needy, and then promptly refuse to give of our own abundance to help provide the necessary re­ lief. We pray that the Lord will “ send forth labourers into his harvest,” but are not willing to be one of the workers ourselves. We ask in faith that a brother who has been alienated might be brought back into fellowship; yet we never go out of our way to say a kind word, or outward­ ly manifest any love toward him. Jesus said: “ Pray ye . . . that he will send forth LABOUR­ ERS into his harvest!” Yes, it is well to “ pray for a good har­ vest” but note, the petition is for workers! So don’t forget that you personally must “keep on hoeing!” THOT: That which is PREFACED by PRAYER, should be PUNCTUATED by PRACTICE!

The above selected from the dally devotional guide,OUR DAILY BREAD, as writtenby RichardDeHan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations,poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copyis waiting for you— FREE and POSTPAID- -and is yours just for the asking.

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APRIL, 1967


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