must recognize that overindul gence, material or emotional, is as damaging as selfish denial. Then, i f the question o f teen-age marriage comes, they will know that they have a lifetime o f good parent-child relationship to fall back on. “ Excerpted by permission from Changing Times, the Kiplinger Magazine, (November 1965 issue). Copyright 1965 by the Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc., 1729 H. Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006.” ONLY GOD Man has made some wondrous progress In science, education, art Things we never dreamed or thought of Now are quite the common part. Man has learned to split the atom Make nuclear bombs with ghastly threat Annihilate entire nations. Now the tragic stage is set. Man has proved that he can orbit Around the earth with ease and grace, If he chooses leave his spaceship To take a stroll in outer space. Man unsatisfied still presses To gain a higher victory soon Spending time and countless millions In a race to reach the moon. But man has never made a daisy Created life on barren plain, Miracle of God's creation Man never, ever, can attain. Only God can make a morning Bringing forth a brand new day. W ith another chance to serve Him A s we travel life's highway. Only God can make a sunset Gorgeous colors, vivid, bright Stars that hang in jeweled clusters Twinkling softly through the night. Only God can calm a tempest Bid the boisterous waves be still Lord and Master of creation All is subject to His will. Only God can take a sinner Cleanse his heart and set him free Fill his life with joy completely Save his soul eternally. Only God, Almighty, Sovereign Oh that men could only see. Only God, in earth, in heaven Only God, eternally.
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