are doubtless members o f the dissident groups who are actively engaged in the ROTC program. They, therefore, are loud in protesting any curtailment o f their underground activities, and once again the citizenry o f the United States is jeopardized by this hue and cry o f "academic freedom.” As a matter o f fact, we have heard this clamor until it has become almost nauseat ing. It is always used in favor o f those o f ideological persuasion who are opposed to the Christian American way o f life. Bible- believing Christians are accused o f being blind to academic free dom. A school, a church, or an organization can teach any and every kind o f unbelief. They can be anti-everything and they are proclaimed as being expositors o f academic freedom, but let a group o f individuals who voluntarily and willingly band them selves together because o f their common convictions which have been arrived at through the same processes o f academic freedom, and who unitedly hold to these convictions, and immediately they are accused o f shutting their minds to new ideas. They have their intellectual capabilities and they have ceased to maintain aca demic freedom on the part o f others— at least so it is claimed. This element which is creating the furor over the University o f Washington incident is the same element that has incited the incidents at the University o f California Berkeley campus. They are against everything that the government is endeavoring to do. They buck the war effort in Vietnam; they endeavor to forbid the sending o f troops over to southeast Asia; they are against the Un-American Activities Committee in Congress; they are against all discipline in the colleges and universities o f the land. In fact, they are aganist everything that America stands for. They yowl and howl, demanding their rights and they yowl and howl just as vigorously in their effort to deny the rights o f the vast majority o f the American people. The tragic part o f it all is that there are so many otherwise good American citizens who, in the name o f freedom o f speech and freedom o f action, go along with their mouthings. They are played up in the newspapers; they are given places o f prominence in televised interviews that are released during the various newscasts. They are given places o f promi nence in these newcasts while they are standing on the soapboxes, orating against all that America stands for. All o f this is carried on in the name o f freedom o f the press and the various news media. When any citizen or group o f citizens dare to protest their conduct and the place o f prominence they receive in pub licity, they are immediately accused by them and those who fol low them o f being "extreme rightests.” This is the utterly de plorable condition in which we find ourselves at the present time across the country. We hope and pray that the great majority o f our people will awaken to the seriousness o f these problems and with one voice reassert the American position, the American principles and the American doctrines under God, thus bringing back our land to the degree o f law, order and decency that it once enjoyed and for which no doubt the vast majority continues to long and pray. H b I
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