King's Business - 1967-04

ber 27. “Man and His World” is the theme which has been selected for the Fair. The desire to present an evangelical witness to the claims of Christ at this Fair is evidenced by the project, “ EXPO ’67.” The Moody Institute of Science, with Dr. George Speake, will take charge of program­ ming and Curt Mackey, who headed up counseling at New York, will act in a similar capacity in Montreal. Budget for the project is set at $554,900, of which the cost of the building now nearly completed is $226,000. The pavilion is located in the Scientific and Industrial section of the Fair directly across from a prominent meeting area of the Rus­ sian Pavilion. Ken MeVety, TEAM missionary to Japan, has declared, “ Our Japanese people are avid readers and we can hardly keep ahead of the demand for new books.” MeVety, who is Direc­ tor of Word of Life Press, was re­ sponsible for the publishing of thir­ ty-three new book titles and seventy- five reprint editions last year. Two hundred and fifty thousand copies of the books were sold. A revised Japa­ nese New Testament, Bible commen­ taries, and World Aflame by Billy Graham were among the books pub­ lished. A sixty-four page monthly maga­ zine, The Gospel for the Millions, which has been published for sev­ eral years, is soon to be followed by the bi-weekly Christian newspaper. MeVety anticipates a wide circula­ tion for the paper and requests the prayers of Christian people. Howard Klassen, with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., has been named Canadian Home Director for the or­ ganization. Klassen and his wife Beatrice were assigned to Canada as Wycliffe rep­ resentatives in 1961. In 1949 they began work in Bible translation in the lowland Mixteco language of Mexico. Later Klassen served as As­ sociate Director of Wycliffe’s Mexico field program during the last years of their stay in Mexico. As Canadian Home Director, he will continue at Wycliffe headquarters in Calgary, Alberta. W. Dayton Roberts, Associate Gen­ eral Director of Latin American Mission, has announced plans for a rapid expansion in ministry to mass student populations of Latin Amer­ ica both on the university and high school levels. Participants in a mission consul­ tation on student work in Costa Rica recommended a comprehensive stra­ tegy for the rapidly-developing mis­ sion department, now to be known as its "Ministry to the Student World.”




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APRIL, 1967

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