HCA Innovate RAP

Our journey toward reconciliation Housing Choices commenced its reconciliation journey in May 2021 with the formation of our Reflect RAP Committee. In September 2021, our Reflect RAP was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and we commenced working in earnest to embed reconciliation in our day-to-day work through: o identifying and building relationships to gain a stronger understanding of culture; o building cultural competency throughout our organisation to engender respect and to better understand and respond to the needs of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents; and o providing opportunities to work with Housing Choices and partner with the organisation in the business of social and affordable housing and responses to homelessness. Making a commitment and delivering actions to achieve a more equitable society for First Nations peoples has enriched Housing Choices in so many ways. Staff in the RAP Committee and right across the organisation have engaged in opportunities and activities to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture, belief systems, truth-telling and acknowledgement. We developed new ways to engage with some of our Aboriginal residents and developed or deepened relationships with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) or Aboriginal owned businesses. Since the launch of our Reflect RAP, the Committee has actioned a range of deliverables and our Innovate RAP will further these commitments to develop, test and embed our approach to reconciliation across the organisation. Throughout the year, First Nations’ community events including National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, National Sorry Day, and Mabo Day were acknowledged and recognised.


Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026

Painting Walkabout for Bush Tucke r by Leslie Pickett.

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