HCA Innovate RAP

Traineeship leads to new opportunity

Sarah never imagined herself working in community housing before she joined Housing Choices Western Australia (HCWA) last year. “I hadn’t seen myself working in this area, but I knew I wanted to work in community services and support people of diverse backgrounds,” she said. After being away from the workforce for a few years, she decided to take up the Aboriginal traineeship with HCWA, to complete her hours for the Certificate III in Community Services. Her mentor and HCWA Tenancy Services Manager encouraged her to take on the traineeship. Sarah says, “she encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone.” Three months into the traineeship a permanent tenancy assistant position became available. Sarah decided to apply and was successful. “I loved working here and when the tenancy assistant role came up it was a great opportunity to be able to stay in the organisation,” says Sarah. “I wanted to learn new skills after having been away from work, it was a permanent role, and I loved the working environment and culture.” A normal workday for Sarah can involve anything from booking inspections, processing consent forms, organising payment plans with tenants, to organising Tenant Officer portfolios. Sarah explains, the most surprising aspect of her new position is how much detail goes into everything and how complex things can be.


Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026

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