HCA Innovate RAP


RAP Sponsor

Chief Executive Officer

General Manager, WA Manager Service Performance & Standards, Catherine House, SA

RAP Co-Chairs

RAP Secretariat

Executive Officer, Tenancy Assistant, WA

General Manager, VIC Housing Officer, TAS Tenancy Subject Matter Expert, SA Tenancy Assistant, SA Corporate Communications Manager Media and Advocacy Advisor Tenancy Officer, WA Community Service Worker, Catherine House, SA Assistant Development Manager, VIC Manager Tenant Engagement & Capacity Building, WA

RAP Committee Members

RAP Co-Chairs will work with the Board on the Innovate RAP.

We would also like to acknowledge the work of our former Committee members, who are either no longer on the RAP Committee or no longer with Housing Choices Australia.

Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026


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