HCA Innovate RAP





2.1 Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation materials to our staff.

General Manager Strategic Communications

April 2024 and April 2025

2.2 RAP Committee members to participate in an external NRW event.

27 May - 3 June 2024 27 May - 3 June 2025

RAP co-chairs

2 Build relationships through celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW)

2.3 Encourage and support staff and senior leaders to participate in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW.

May 2024 and May 2025 State General Manager

2.4 Organise at least one NRW event each year.

May 2024 and May 2025 State General Manager

2.5 Register all our NRW events on Reconciliation Australia’s NRW website.

May 2024 and May 2025 RAP Chairs

3.1 Communicate our commitment to reconciliation to our residents, stakeholders and the general public.

General Manager Strategic Communications

November 2024

3.2 Implement and review the effectiveness of our staff engagement strategy to raise awareness of reconciliation across our workforce.

January 2025 and January 2026

3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence

General Manager People and Culture

3.3  Collaborate with RAP organisations and other like-minded organisations to develop innovative approaches to advance reconciliation.

April 2026

Chief Executive Officer


Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026

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