HCA Innovate RAP





3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence

3.4 Identify and work with contractors and suppliers who have demonstrated a commitment to reconciliation.

April 2026

General Manager National Assets

4.1 Conduct a review of HR policies and procedures to identify existing anti-discrimination provisions and future needs - recruitment and leave, in particular (link to deliverables 7.2, 8.1).

January 2025

General Manager People and Culture

4.2 Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and advisors in the development of our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in each state, based on our Diversity and Inclusion in our Services Policy.

September 2024

State General Manager

4. Address racism and discrimination and promote positive race relations

4.3 Continue to integrate conversations about reconciliation based on truth and equity and the effects of racism with senior leaders and Board.

Executive General Manager Strategy People and Performance

February 2025

General Manager Strategic Communications

4.4 Document our engagement and actions to measure our impact.

April 2026

Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026


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