HCA Innovate RAP


Housing Choices is committed to ongoing cultural learning and awareness raising to restore deserved respect and dignity to Australia’s First Nations peoples across the community. Our mantra of “act local” “think national” addresses our commitment to restoring respect as individuals with a view to helping to advance the restoration of national pride for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through understanding, appreciation, acknowledgement, learning, success, and celebration.


• Developing a robust, resilient, and agile organisation • Transforming the resident experience • Growing our impact and influence • Implementing innovation

Focus Area





5.1 Consult local Traditional Owners and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisors to inform development of a cultural awareness and learning strategy.

November 2024

General Manager People and Culture

5. Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights through a variety of cultural learning

5.2 Implement a cultural awareness and learning strategy that incorporates cultural learning needs within our learning and development reviews across the organisation.

February 2026

General Manager People and Culture

5.3 Provide opportunities for RAP Committee members, people managers and other key leadership staff to participate in formal and structured cultural learning.

February 2026

General Manager People and Culture

5.4  Refresh our review of cultural learning needs across the organisation, as our RAP initiatives progress.

March 2026

General Manager People and Culture


Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026

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