HCA Innovate RAP





6.1 Increase staff understanding of the purpose and significance behind cultural protocols by incorporating our HCA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols document in induction and annual refresher training.

6. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols

August 2024

General Manager People and Culture

6.2 Continue to invite a local Traditional Owner or Custodian to provide a Welcome to Country or other appropriate cultural protocol at significant events each year.

April 2026

State General Manager

6.3 Continue to include an Acknowledgement of Country or other appropriate protocols at the commencement of important meetings. 6.4 Include plaque or other appropriate signage on all HCA new buildings to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which the building is situated.

August 2024 and August 2025

State General Manager

6. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols

August 2024 and August 2025

General Manager Property Development

6.5 Investigate the possibility of Smoking Ceremonies being held in new HCA buildings.

September 2024

State General Manager

6.6 Review and refresh our HCA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols document, with input from stakeholders.

Executive General Manager Customer and Community Services

January 2026

7.1 RAP Committee to participate in an external NAIDOC Week event.

July 2024 and July 2025 RAP Chairs

7. Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories by celebrating NAIDOC Week

7.2 Review HR policies and procedures to remove barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week.

February 2024 and February 2025

General Manager People and Culture

7.3 Promote and encourage participation in external NAIDOC events to all staff.

July 2024 and July 2025 State General Manager

Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026


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