HCA Innovate RAP





9.1 Employ an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander consultant to review and update our policies and procedures.

Executive General Manager Customer and Community Services

July 2024

9.2 Resource staff to meaningfully participate in the review of policies and procedures as part of the process to embed change into practice

Executive General Manager Customer and Community Services

September 2024

9. Improve the delivery of housing and services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents

9.3 Implement a training and information plan to ensure newly reviewed policies are integrated into day-to-day practice.

Executive General Manager Customer and Community Services

August 2024

9.4 Establish KPI measures to provide a feedback loop about how effective our efforts in this area are.

July 2024

Manager Tenant Engagement

9.5  Work collaboratively with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing providers to explore how we can support self-determination (link to Deliverable 1.2) in the sector, providing choice and pathways for residents who want to be housed by Aboriginal run and staffed organisations. 9.6 Explore partnership opportunities with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) and Indigenous Community Housing Organisations (ICHO) in each jurisdiction, with a focus on supporting supply of appropriate housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 9.7 Investigate best practice housing design, including common design and building fabric issues relevant to the housing needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; incorporate relevant principles into the Housing Choices Australia Design Guidelines.

April 2026

State General Manager

9. Improve the delivery of housing and services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents

April 2026

State General Manager

General Manager Property Development

November 2025

Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026


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