HCA Innovate RAP






11.1 Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RAP Committee.

April 2026

RAP Co-Chairs

11.2 E stablish and apply a Terms of Reference for the RAP Committee.

April 2024

RAP Co-Chairs

11. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Committee to drive governance of the RAP

April 2024, July 2024, October 2024, January 2025, April 2025, July 2025, October 2025, and January 2026

11.3 Meet at least four times per year to drive and monitor RAP implementation.

RAP Co-Chairs

12.1 D efine resource needs for RAP implementation.

May 2024

RAP Co-Chairs

12.2 Engage our senior leaders and other staff in the delivery of RAP commitments.

June 2024

RAP Co-Chairs

12. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments

12.3 Define and maintain appropriate systems to track, measure and report on RAP commitments.

June 2024

RAP Co-Chairs

12.4 Appoint and maintain an internal RAP champion from executive management.

June 2024

RAP Co-Chairs

13. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally

13.1 Contact Reconciliation Australia to verify that our primary and secondary contact details are up to date, to ensure we do not miss out on important RAP correspondence.

June 2024 and June 2025

RAP Co-Chairs


Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026

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