HCA Innovate RAP

Message from the Chair

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to introduce Housing Choices Australia’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This is our second RAP and it represents our organisation’s next and important step towards reconciliation. Our Innovate RAP builds on our vision and enduring commitment for reconciliation as outlined in our Reflect RAP which was completed in 2022. This vision sees a future in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people share in an equitable, prosperous, and rewarding future. Through the initiatives outlined in our Innovate RAP, we will continue to collaborate and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, partners, and communities. We are committed to ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are seeking housing or living in Housing Choices’ homes feel welcome and are confident that our services are culturally safe. We have prepared our Innovate RAP based on what we have achieved to date, recognising the changes since 2022 in order to select our future goals and objectives to enrich economic, social and cultural outcomes. Our Innovate RAP respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights. Our Innovate RAP has been developed by employees across Housing Choices Australia with the support and direction of our RAP Committee and stakeholders. Finally, I would like to thank Reconciliation Australia for their ongoing support and guidance. Together we can achieve reconciliation.

Heather McCallum Chair, Housing Choices Australia

Housing Choices Australia - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024 - 2026 7

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