King's Business - 1932-08


August 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

AUGUST 29 C omfort through the C hangeless O ne “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). God’s changeful providence comes into all our lives, and parts dear ones, making their places empty, that Christ Himself may fill the empty places, striking away other props, though the tendrils that twine around them bleed with the wrench, in or­ der that the plant may no longer trail along the ground, but twine itself round the cross and climb to the Christ upon the throne. . . . And just as, on the face o f some great wooded cliff, when the leaves drop, the solemn strength o f the everlast­ ing rock gleams out pure, so, when our dear ones fall away, Jesus Christ is re­ vealed, “the same yesterday, and today and for ever.” . . . He fives, and in Him all loves and companionships five unchanged. —A lexander M aclaren . AUGUST 30 P recious P ersonal P ronouns • "Who will fashion anew the body o f our humiliation, that it may be conformed to the body of. his glory” (Phil. 3 :20, 21). How the Holy Spirit loves to play upon the personal pronouns that relate to Christ 1 The following four “hims” are very precious in their relation: “meet him,” “ see him,” “ like him,” “ with him.” T o meet Him is good, to see Him is better, to be like Him is best, and better than the best is to be with Him, for that ensures the rest. Oh, it will make our heaven heaven to meet Him and see Him, and look into that face which was once marred more than any man’s ; to see that face fit up with the glory o f God and not only to see Him, but to be with H im ; not only to be along­ side o f Him, but be like H im ! —F. E. M arsh . AUGUST 31 L ife in the H ome “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love" (Eph. 5 : 1 , 2 ). In my home fife, may I be made a bless­ ing : its sunbeam when the days are dark; its inspiration when the days are sad and hopeless; its tender comfort when the days are full o f pain and tears. Always think­ ing o f others before myself, never impos­ ing my private sorrows or moods, ever with the girt loin and the lighted torch, washing my face and anointing my head and confiding my griefs to Thee alone, may I ever have SEPTEMBER 1 B lessed O bscurity “It is the glory o f God to conceal a thing" (Prov. 25:2). The meaning o f things and events is to us largely incomprehensible, This fact often frets us; we complain o f the weary weight o f an unintelligible world. But the text sets the matter in another fight. “It is the glory of God,” the wisdom and love o f God, “to conceal a thing.” Heaven deals with us in loving discretion. Little do we know what we ask when we ask for the fullness o f the light. T o see all our sin, all our peril! Were it flashed upon us, it would blind, paralyze, destroy. W e are saved by the gentleness which filters out the fight a ray at a time. —W . L. W atkinson . “A heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize.” —F. B. M eyer .

SEPTEMBER 2 T he O ffense of the C ross “ Then is the offense o f the cross ceased" (Gal. 5:11). W e remember the deep, passionate long­ ing which Paul had for his brethren, the Jews. With quenchless and intense desire, he prayed that they might be brought into the fold. He was willing to suffer any­ thing and everything if only Israel, his people, might be won. Now the great stum­ bling block to the Jews was the cross. It was the offense that made the gospel of Christ smell rank to them. Take that away, and it would be a thousand times easier to win them. Say nothing about it, slur it over, and half the difficulty would be gone. Yet, in spite o f this yearning, that was the one theme Paul would never ignore. God forbid, says he, that I should glory save in the cross o f Jesus Christ my Lord. There is a great lesson for Christian teachers and for all who are trying to advance Christ’s kingdom. —G eorge H. M orrison . SEPTEMBER 3 O ur I rritableness “A man hath joy by the answer o f his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!" (Prov. 15:23). The victorious fife is a fife in which we are so kept from sin in our hearts that we not only do not say irritable things, but we do not feel irritable. I f a man owes you ten dollars, and you realize that if you say something sharp to him he might not pay you, you can keep from saying anything irritable. It is not Christianity to do that; it is mere selfishness! But not to feel irritation in our heart is supernatural. And that is the wonder of the victorious fife; that in victory, some­ how, we do not know how, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit deal with our innermost heart in the matter o f sin, and keep us from sin even there. —C harles G. T rumbull . Thus it is not I who am “master o f my fate,” not I who am “ captain o f my soul.” It_ is some One else, some One stronger, wiser, better by far. I would be led by the Spirit o f God. For this is a tutelage and servitude more productive of good than any freedom the world wots of. He is the noblest Guide, and who is so greatly to be envied as His pupil and follower, walking humbly where He points? . . . He will be the Fountain of my strength, the Standard o f my aspiration, the Judge of my works. And this is the life that pleases God and benefits men. He is well led whom the Spirit leads.—A lexander S mellie . SEPTEMBER 5 T he L ifted S tandard “ When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit o f the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isa. 59:19). Spirit o f Christ, help me to say, “ It is thy will.” Thy standard is a moral stan­ dard ; when that is lifted up, I fear no foe. Lift up that standard, Thou Spirit of truth. Say, “ It is I, be not afraid.” Say to my trembling soul, It is thy duty, it is thy mis­ sion, it is thy call. Say to my fainting heart, The voice o f the Lord is upon the SEPTEMBER 4 L ed by the S pirit “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons o f God" (Rom. 8: 14).

Red Russia in the Bible

A s ta r tlin g b o o k le t b y a n e ig h te e n y e a r o ld c o lle g e s tu d e n t w h o sa w d e e p ly in to E z e k ie l ^ 38. T h e B ib le m a y n o t be in R u s s ia b u t R u s s ia is c e r ta in ly in th e B ib le . B ru c e M . M e tz g e r h a s p ro v e n th is . P ric e 15c p e r c o p y . ( E ig h t co p ie s fo r $ 1 .0 0 p o s tp a id .) Studies in the Book of Genesis b y L e o n T u c k e r, E d ito r , W O N D E R ­ F U L W O R D . R e v ie w e rs d e c la r e th is a m a s te rfu l w o r k o n G e n e sis. I t is a n a ly tic a l, h o m ile tic a l a n d s p ir it - . u a l. P ro d u c e d a t a penny a page a n d is se co n d v o lu m e o f T H E U N I V E R ­ S I T Y B I B L E C O U R S E w h ic h th e a u th o r is p re p a rin g . Y o u w ill w a n t th is v o lu m e . P ric e 60c p o s tp a id . T E N C E N T S w ill b r in g y o u a c o p y o f D r . F o r d C . O ttm a n ’s w o n d e rfu l e x p o s itio n o f T h e T w e n t y - T h i r d P s a lm a n d a sa m p le c o p y o f T h e W O N D E R F U L W O R D fre e . A s k f o r o th e r c irc u la rs . A d d re s s : WONDERFUL W O R D SHOP Forest Hills, L. I., New York

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