King's Business - 1932-08

UNDER ACUTE FINANCIAL STRESS-• BIBLE INSTITUTE CARRIES ON ■ —— — - = = = = = = = = i .1 —= = . 1 1 " © n e of t h e great economists o f the nation is quoted as saying that the most disastrous calamity of the present business depression is the But these are times of depression, and the average offering at any one meeting seldom exceeds the sum o f $3.00!

How Much Shall I Give? In answering this important question, I Will Consider Biola’s well-rounded program in Christian training, in Christian Lit­ erature and in Christian Missions, Home and F o r e ig n - H ow God has prospered me— How I may spread my gift over a period of time— How it may come out of my tithe-— How it may be deducted from In­ come Tax Returns up to 15% Making my gifts qualify for one o f the following items:— . Cost of educating a student— Per month....................... $ 33.33 Per Semester.....150,00 Per Y e a r......................... 300.00 Endowment necessary - for _ educating a student for one year ......................... 5,000,00 Hpw I may cheer-the heart of some mis- sionary by sending “ T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness ” for one year— *- .-T o four in the Homeland...’.$5.00 To one in the Homeland...... 1.50 To four in the Foreign Field — — — 6.00 in the Foreign. Field 1.75 All persons contributing $5.00 or more at one timé during a year and members of the Honor Roll shall, upon request, re­ ceive “ T he K ing ’ s B usiness -’ free for one year. Write for particulars of our interesting and satisfying Annuity Investment plan.

Nevertheless, undaunted, these devoted young people—with a message to give and a God to trust—are steadily press­ ing on. This is the Institute’s attitude and its answer to the present financial crisis. Dr. White in the Field As these words are being written, President White is visiting churches along the Pacific Coast. Practically every mail brings letters from young men and women, asking for thé training which the Institute, in confident depend­ ence upon the Spirit-dictated gifts of God’s people, offers to provide without cost o f tuition. And Christian stewards will, not fail ! They may not be able to give much, but they will give their little —eagerly, prayerfully, quickly. For their benefit, the Institute has re­ vived an agency which has proved a great blessing in the past. The Honor Roll is peculiarly a Biola vehicle for service. Read about it in the adjoining column, and note how flexible are its provisions, and how wide is the choice of terms and purposes which it a f­ fords the donor. Tithers will find it an ideal method of including Christian edu­ cation among the objects to which their dedicated funds are applied. Under its liberal terms, hundreds have contributed to Bible Institute work. It fixes no limit upon your offering. A l­ though, in the present emergency, it would be appreciated if the application of the funds could be left to the judgment of the Institute authorities, the donor is given full liberty to designate the use of any amount which he gives. Its special advantage to the Institute is the regularity o f the income which it as­ sures. Based on Honor Roll pledges, In­ stitute planning can be undertaken with confidence. Study the column, : “How Much Shall I Give?’’ then, after quiet prayer; if. you are so moved, fill out and mail to us the coupon below, with your donation. The Plan of the Honor Roll is as Follows: P urpose : T o help prepare men and women to spread and teach the Gos­ pel o f Christ. C onditions : First: To pray for God’s blessing upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Second: To give One D o l l a r or more on the first of each month for a period of one, two, or three years stated hereon. Th ird: To secure another Honor Roll member, if possible, either per- 'sonally’or' by settding in new names.

staggering blow dealt to Christian work. Missions have been abandoned, evan­ gelical efforts have been discontinued, the great ministry o f the W ord—the most sacred of all the charges laid upon the church—has been seriously impeded. In the face of all this, what of such institu­ tions as ifthe Bible Institute o f Los Angeles ? Bible Institute a Faith Work The answer is not far to seek. To use the words o f its President, Dr. W . P. White, had not the Bible Institute “been supported upon a mighty tide of prayer,” rising unceasingly from the hearts and lips of its multitudes o f friends, it too would have succumbed. It is true that the Institute is necessarily restricted in personnel and equipment and is sorely in need of funds. But by the grace of God, it continues to witness daily for the Lord whom it seeks to serve. Its very life is a triumph. The Institute has just graduated one of the largest classes in its history. It has ministered during the past year to the spiritual needs o f more than four hundred young people, intent On Christian service. Nineteen o f its earnest students, imme­ diately after the close of the term, or­ ganized themselves. into four gospel teams to carry the message in song and verbal testimony to the towns and vil­ lages along the great auto routes that span the continent. By this means, In­ dians on the desert reservations are hear­ ing thé W ord from one o f their own race, himself a Bible Institute student. A Russian who escaped from Bolshevism across .a frozen Siberian river, a young Japanese of keen intellect and spiritual power, and a natiye o f Czecho-Slovakia are also among the volunteer evangelists that make up the bands. Isolated vil­ lages, lonely settlements o f the plains, cities and towns are all touched by their ministry. Their meetings are crowded. God is blessing their efforts with many conversions.

BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

Firmly believing in the importance of training young people for Christian Service, I hereby request that my name be placed (continued) on the Biola Honor Roll for a period o f one, two, three (...............................-..) years, and I express my willingness to {Years desired) r cheerfully and faithfully meet the conditions of membership and give ($.-'.......... ......../....) monthly of which $................... is applied t o ..................... subscriptions to T he K ing ' s B usiness for One year, beginning with the current issue.* Name .................,....:..... '...... 1....... ;...:.... ___________ Street N-o,....... ............... ............................................. ............ ...... ..i...,...:...,...!...... ............ ............. . .............. State......\:.~—L%~. Date ...............:............. ................................................ Amount Enclosed Date next payment due.... .......... ........................... ............................................................................ *NOTE—Postal Regulations require that this form be filled in wherever THE KING’S BUSINESS is desired. If the magazine is to be mailed to others please supply names and addresses on separate' sheet. 8-32

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