Floriculture - Judging and Premiums JUDGING
GENERAL RULES Judging will take place Friday at 11:00 am and Wednesday at 11:00 am. The General Chair- man and the Classification Chairmen for each Division are available during Judging for pos- sible consultations. They, along with the Judges and the clerks, are the only personnel al- lowed on the floor during judging. The show will open to the public during posted fair hours except on Fri., 10/1 11:00-2:00pm, Tues. 10/5 3:00pm-close and Wed. 10/6 11:00 - 2:00pm. PREMIUMS 1. PREMIUM CHECKS WILL BE VOID 60 DAYS AFTER ISSUE. 2. PREMIUMSWILL BE PAIDBY CHECKAFTER FAIR. Only one check will be issued to an exhibitor covering all premiums won by the individual. CHECKS WILL BE ISSUED TO THE GARDEN CLUBS FOR ITS MEMBERS. Federal tax ID number for Garden Club must be included on entry blank. Gar- den club must include the name of the Garden Club on the entry blank. Other exhibitors must provide the last four digits of their Social Security number (see entry blank) in order to receive prize money. 1. PRE-ENTRY REQUIRED IN ALL CLASSES, CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS, DESIGN, COLLECTION AND ALL CUT HORTICULTURE. Please use General Entry Form. Bring to Home & Garden Building - see map inside back cover, Bldg. #15. 2. Entries will be received from 8:00am until 10:00am on Friday, Oct. 1 and Wed., Oct. 6, 2021. The Classification Committee MUST approve ALL exhibits for conformance to the SCHEDULE. 3. These four flower shows are for AMATEURS ONLY. Classes are not open to commercial growers or professional floral designers ie.... classes are not open to anyone who, at present or in the past, has received his or her livelihood from the growing or designing of classifications listed in this catalog. 4. These Flower Shows conform to the standards established by National Garden Clubs (NGC).The NGC Handbook for Flower Shows 2017 and as updated in The National Gardener, are authority for all issues not covered by the Schedule which is the LAW OF THE SHOWS. 5. NOTE TO GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS: National Garden Clubs, Inc. permits cash awards to individual garden club members in the Standard Flower Show. If the garden club member wishes the cash premium to be issued personally, he or she must include the last four digits of his or her social security number on the entry form. If no social security number is entered, the premium will be issued to his or her garden club. 6. Judging will be conducted by PANELS of three NGC approved Judges and will begin at 11:00am and end no later than 2:00pm on Fri., 10/1 and Wed., 10/6. The decisions of the judges will be FINAL. Awards may be withheld if not merited. All competitive judging will be based on the (NGC) Standard System of Awarding. Only Judges, Clerks, General Chairman and Classification Chairman will be allowed in the exhibit area during judging. The Classsification Chairman for each Division checks exhibits for conformity to the schedule prior to Judging, and will be present during judging. Final determination for conformance is the Judges' responsibility. 7. Only one entry may be made in any named class. Exhibits entered in the Friday show may not be re-entered in the Wednesday show. ROSES ONLY: Multiple entries permitted, including Collections - provided varieties are different. 8. There must be an emphasis on fresh plant material. No artificial plant material is allowed in any division. 9. Only one member of a family may exhibit in any one class, except Design Classes. THE FAIR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHHOLD ALL PREMIUMS WON IN ANY CLASS BY ANY FAMILY BREAKING THE RULE. 10. Exhibits may NOT be removed before the SHOW closes on Tues., 10/5@ 3:00pm and Mon. 10/11 @ 10:00am. Continer Plants to be removed on Mon. 10/11. No other exceptions!!! 11. Awards in any class will be given only if merited, and only ONE blue, ONE red, and ONE yellow ribbon will be awarded in each class. Honorable mention ribbons bearing no premium will be awarded as merited in large classes of high quality. 12. Premiums will be paid only from awards as they appear on the books and not from ribbons. 13. Ribbons must be picked up after the fair. NO RIBBONS WILL BE MAILED. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)
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