2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Regulations for Top Friday Design Awards 1. In any section of Top Awards, there must be at least three (3) classes with four (4) entries in each class. 2. Must be a blue ribbon winner scoring at least 95 or above from a group of classes des- ignated as eligible for the Top Award. 3. Fresh plant material is not to be treated in any way. 4. Any NGC Top Exhibitor Award may be withheld if judges panel determines that none are worthy or none meets the specific requirements of the award


Conformance To Type

7 7 48

To Schedule Requirements Design Principles Selection of Components Organization of Components 8 8 8 14 Total: 100 Floriculture - Section 101 - Friday Design Top Exhibitor Awards Expression Distinction

I-A AWARD OF DESIGN EXCELLENCE - $10.00 (see page 42, Top Exhibitor Awards, in new NGC Handbook for Flower Shows 2017) for information 1. All section blue ribbon winning designs are eligible 2. Award is a rosette of gold ribbons. I-B TRICOLOR AWARD - $10.00 (see page 43, Top Exhibitor Awards, in NGC Handbook for Flower Shows 2017) for information 1. Classes I-1, I-2, and I-3 are eligible. 2. All plant material must be fresh. 3. Award is a rosette of red, blue and yellow ribbons. I-C TABLE ARTISTRY AWARD - $10.00 (see page 43, Top Exhibitor Awards, in new NGC Handbook for Flower Shows 2017) for information 1. Classes I-4, I-5, and I-6 are eligible. 2. Award is a rosette of burgundy ribbons. I-D PETITE AWARD - $10.00 (see page 43, Top Exhibitor Awards, in NGC Handbook for Flower Shows 2017) for information 1. Classes I-7, I-8 and I-9 are eligible. 2. Offered to most outstanding petite design in a show of otherwise fullsize designs. 3. Award is a small rosette of blue and white ribbons I-E BARBARA SMITH MANNING AWARD - $10.00 1. All Design classes are eligible. 2. Chosen for best use of color (need not be blue ribbon winner) 3. Award includes a Certificate and a Lavender Rosette


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