Floriculture - Section 102 -WednesdayFlower Show October 6, 2021 "SPACE AND BEYOND" DIVISION III
BOTANICAL ARTS ARTISTIC CRAFTS WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE Only one Exhibit in the Artistic Crafts Division may be awarded the Botanical Arts Artistic Crafts Award, The Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017, page 44 The Exhibit must be the work of one (1) individual. Rosette of Navy Blue ribbons. Artistic Crafts are objects with a function. They may be artistically pleasing but were not created for their artistic value. Artistic Crafts Rules 1. ALL ARTISTIC CRAFT EXHIBITS MUST CONTAIN SOME FRESH AND/OR DRIED PLANT MATERIAL. ONLY DRIED PLANT MATERTIAL MAY BE TREATED. 2. NO ARTIFICIAL, ENDANGERED OR LOCALLY INVASIVE PLANT MATERTIAL IS PERMIT- TED IN ANY EXHIBIT. 3. THE SCALE OF POINTS FOR JUDGING BOTANICAL ARTS HORTICULTURE, DESIGN, AR- TISTIC CRAFTS AND PHOTOGRAPHY ARE LISTED IN CHAPTER 14 OF THE Handbook For Flower Shows, 2017. 4. THE GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR ALL DESIGNS AS PRINTED IN CHAPTER 11 OF THE Hand- book For Flower Shows, 2017, INCLUDING A CARD PROVIDED BY THE EXHIBITOR LISTING PLANT MATERIAL USED IN THE EXHIBIT AREA. 5. THE RULES FOR BOTANICAL ARTISTIC CRAFTS ARE PRINTED IN THE Handbook For Flower Shows, 2017, CHAPTER 11 PAGES 94-95. SECTION A - LIFT OFF!! Division to be staged eye-level on a gray property Only one EXHIBIT eligible for the NGC ARTISTIC CRAFTS AWARD in the Handbook For Flower Shows, 2017 page 45 J1-7 STAR WARS CANTINA A DECORATED MASK (provided by the Committee. Please contact Trish Sumners 336-287-5399 to acquire the mask.) to be staged attached to an 11”high Mannequin head form(provided by the Com- mittee) For additional information, please see page 94-95 in the Handbook. 4 entries J1-8 THE GALAXIES A FASCINATOR to be staged attached to a PANEL (exhibitor's choice of color) no more than 8" high 8" wide x 8" deepto be staged attached to an 11”Mannequin head form(provided by the Committee) For additional information, please see page 94-95 in the Handbook. 4 entries J1-9 SPACE JAM A DECORATED HIGH TOP SNEAKER (provided by the Exhibitor) to be staged in a gray 12” high x 12” square space at eye level. A STAGING PANEL and UNDERLAY are required. For additional information, please see pages 94-95 in The Handbook 4 entries Premiums 1st: $15.00 2nd: $12.00 3rd: $10.00 4th: $5.00
ARTISTIC CRAFTS SCALE OF POINTS Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017, page 131 Conformance 25 Design 30 Craftsmanship/Technique 25 Distinction 20 100
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