Floriculture - Container-Grown Plants
Container plants will be judged during the FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 flower show. 1. All Container-Grown Plants REQUIRE pre-entry on Carolina Classic Fair entry blanks found at the back of this catalog and must be received no later than September 1. 2. Put both common and botanical names of exhibit on entry tags. If not so identified, the entry will NOT be eligible for a TOP AWARD. Please be sure all information is on tag received from Fair office. 3. Container-Grown plants must have been in the possession of the exhibitor AT LEAST 90 DAYS BEFORE EXHIBITING THEM. NO CONTAINER OVER 8" IN DIAMETER WILL BE AC- CEPTED. CONTAINERS WILL BE MEASURED FROM INSIDE RIM TO OPPOSITE SIDE INSIDE RIM. EXHIBITOR MUST BE PREPARED TO PLACE ENTRY.) Container Grown plants should be no more than 30" in height (or discretion of the committee). Please put both common name and binomial names on the exhibit entry tags to be eligible for the top awards. Please bring only worthy specimens qualified for show due to space issues. Double Potting allowed if inconspicuous. 4. PLANTS SHOULD BE DISEASE FREE AND INSECT FREE. 5. Container-Grown Plants, must be brought to the Home & Garden Building on Thursday, Sept. 30, between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 pm. (See Fairgrounds map inside back cover of catalog.) 6. Container-Grown Plants must be picked up Monday, October 11, between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. Any remaining exhibits after this time will be disposed of by the Committee. ONLYCONTAINERGROWNPLANTS INA8"ORLESS LESSCONTAINERWILLBEACCEPTED EXCEPT FOR FERNS CLASSES I2-059 through I2-063 WHICHWILL BE ALLOWED A 10" POT
All Cut or Container-Grown Horticulture Specimens and Col- lections (Arboreal, Flowering, Foilage, Fruit/Vegetable/Nuts)
Value (points) 5 5
Value (points)
Criteria Conformance Plant Identification Labeling Peak of Perfection
Criteria Conformance
5 5 5
Plant Identification Peak of Perfection
20 20 20 15 10 5 100
Form Color Maturity/Size Condition/Blemishes
Form Color Condition Show-worthy size
10 10 10 5 30 5 10 5 100
Overall Effect Creative/Distinctive Grooming
Grooming Staging
Staging TOTAL
Floriculture - Section 106 - Container-Grown Plants "Making History" Premiums: 1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00 Asparagus, any other variety (includes Meyers & plumosa)" Begonia, semperflorens, (Wax Begonia), any color, blooming Begonia, semperflorens, double, any color, blooming Asparagus, sprengeri Begonia, Rex, Angelwing, any other rhizomatous, flowers not necessary Begonia, any other caned-stemmed, tuberous, any color type, blooming Begonia, Dragon Wing, any color
I2-30 I2-31 I2-32 I2-33 I2-34 I2-35 I2-36
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