Floriculture - Section 109 - Annuals (Includes Biennials) (must be grown in ground)(not to exceed 24")
Premiums: 1st: $3.00 2nd: $2.00 3rd: $1.00
Marigolds (Tagetes x hybrida) petite dwarf, (under 2" in diameter) any color, specimen spray Pelargonium spp. (Geranium) , specimen stalk or spray Petunia x hybrida, double ruffled, 3 stems, same color and variety
I2-216 I2-217 I2-218 I2-219 I2-220 I2-221 I2-222 I2-223 I2-224 I2-225 I2-226 I2-227 I2-228
J2-216 J2-217 J2-218 J2-219 J2-220 J2-221 J2-222 J2-223 J2-224 J2-225 J2-226 J2-227 J2-228
Salvia coccineus, any color, 1 stalk Salvia splendens, any color, 1 stalk Salvia, any other (annual), 1 stalk Tithonia rotundifolia, 1 stalk Vinca rosea, 3 stems, any color
Zinnia x hybrida, any solid color over 3", 3 stems Zinnia x hybrida, bi-color or variegated, 3 stems
Zinnia x hybrida, miniatures (2"-3" in diam.) 3 stems, any color Zinnia x hybrida, dwarf (under 2" in diam.) 3 stems, any color Annual grown for decorative foliage (i.e. Jacob's Coat, Polka Dot, etc.), 1 stalk Annuals, everlasting, grown for drying, i.e. Statice, Strawflower, Globe Amaranth, etc., 1 stalk Annual not listed above, specimen bloom or spray
Floriculture - Section 110 - Perennials
Must be grown in ground, not to exceed 24" Tender perennials are those which are not regularly, safely perennial in our climate.
Premiums: 1st: $3.00 2nd: $2.00 3rd: $1.00
I2-240 I2-241 I2-242 I2-243 I2-244 I2-245
J2-240 J2-241 J2-242 J2-243 J2-244 J2-245
Lantana, 1 stalk
Pelargonium spp. (scented geranium) Salvia elegans (pineapple sage)
Salvia guaranitica
Salvia leucantha (Mexican bush or emerald)
Salvia, any other perennial or tender perennil salvia, i.e., Vanhouttei, discolor, farinacea
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