2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog


J1 & J2-400 - $6.00 J2-401 through J2-407 - $4.00

I1 & I2 -400 - $6.00 I2-401 through I2-407 - $4.00

J2-408 - $4.00

I2-408 - $4.00

I1-409 thorugh I1-412 - $4.00

J2-409 through J2-412 - $4.00

I1-400 I2- 400

J1-400 J2- 400

Cash award and the Award of Horticultural Excellence offered to the named blue ribbon exhibit scoring 95 or more in the entire Horticulture Division. It may go to an Award of Merit or Arboreal Award winner or to a blue ribbon winner in some section not covered by these awards. Grower’s Choice Award - Container Grown Plants I2-30 to I2-89. See page 41, Handbook for FlowerShow, 2017. Best in Show / Roses to be offered to the best named Horticultural exhibit in Roses, scoring 95 or more. Award of Merit to be offered the best named Horticultural exhibit in Dahlias, scoring 95 points or more. See page 41, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017. Award of Merit to be offered the best named Horticultural exhibit in Perennials, scoring 95 or more. See page 41, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017. Award of Merit to be offered the best named Horticultural exhibit in Annuals, scoring 95 or more. See page 41, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017 Collectors Showcase to be offered to best named Horticulture exhibit in Collections scoring 95 or more. See page 41, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017. Arboreal Award to be offered the best named Horticultural exhibit in hrubs and Trees, scoring 95 or more. See page 40, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017. Best Miniature Rose to be offered the best named miniature rose in Roses Section Award of Merit to be offered the best named Horticultural exhibit in Bulbs, Corms & Tubers scoring 95 or more. See page 41, Handbook for Flower Show, 2017 Award of Merit to be awarded to the best named Horticulure exhibit in Hardy Vines (Section 105) scoring 95 or more, see page 41 in Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017 Botannical Arts Artistic Crafts Award in Division III to the Highest scoring Exhibit in that Division, see page 44 Handbook for Flower Show, 2017 Education Award in Division II Horticulture Specialty Show given to the highest scoring Exhibit in that Division, see page 43Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017

I2-401 I2-402 I2-403

J2-402 J2-403





I1-406 I2-406 I2-407 I2-408 I1-409

J1-406 J2-406 J2-407 J2-408 J1-409






Pre-Entry is REQUIRED for ALL Horticulture Specimens USE GENERAL ENTRY FORM If you need help with the classification of your horticulture specimens, please go to Reynolda Gardens. The staff of Reyn- olda Gardens will help you. Entry forms are due by Sept. 1, 2021.


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