2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Food Preservation Department P

Superintendent TBA Assistants TBA

Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building Saturday, Sept. 25 from10:00 amuntil 4:00 pmand Sunday, Sept. 26 from12:00pmuntil 4:00pm Judging: Monday, September 27


1. Exhibits will be ruled out when not in standard canning jars of specified size (pint, quart, or 1/2 pint) with clean standard two-piece lid and ring. 2. All jars must be clear. No Colored glass jars. 3. Jars should be LABELED near the bottom of the front giving NAME OF PRODUCT, METHOD AND TIME OF PROCESSING. DO NOT INCLUDE NAME OF EXHIBITOR. 4. All products must be processed according to recognized safe methods found in the current edition of the USDAComplete Guide to Canning or the Ball Blue Book. 5. REMOVE STRING FROM ENTRY TAG, REPLACE WITH A #16 RUBBER BAND AND ATTACH TO NECK OF JAR. 6. Judges may open jars for tasting. 7. Entries from same family MUST be different recipes. 8. All items must be picked up on Monday, October 14. Please remember to bring claim check. Please Note: Use Black Felt-Tip Pen To Mark Year “2019” On Jar Lid. Entries Not Marked May Be Disqualified.

IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - SAMPLE LABEL: Contents: Processing Method: Processing Time: Green Beans Pressure Canner 25 Minutes

Container: Standard brand pint, quart, or 1/2 pint. Appearance: Clear, and insome fruit, transparent, but not toodark; fruit shouldhaveoriginal shape as nearly as possible; Texture - tender but firm and plump; Consistency - heavy, but not enough to crystallize; about one-third as much syrup as fruit. Should contain whole pieces or fruit pieces. Flavor: Natural fruit flavor should be preserved. Premiums: 1st: $8 2nd: $7 3rd: $6 0001 Blackberry 0002 Cherry 0003 Fig 0004 Peach Judge’s Choice - Preserves - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories. Department P - Section 101 - Preserves 0005 Pear 0006 Strawberry (cultivated) 0007 Watermelon PLEASE NOTE: ENTRIES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IF NOT PROPERLY LABELED!!!


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