Department A - Section 102 - Forage Crops
Rules and Regulations 1. Hay exhibit should be a twelve inch (12") thick wafer of “block” taken from an actual rectangular bale of field cured hay. It is permissible to enter hay that has received preservatives or drying agents. 2. Silage exhibit should be taken from a conventional silo after a minimum of three (3) weeks storage, and tightly packed into a wide mouth clear glass jar and sealed with a lid. Preservatives are permissible.
Premiums: 1st: $16 2nd: $12 3rd: $10 4th: $8 5th: $7 6th: $6
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Hay - Orchard Grass
Hay - Fescue
Hay - Lespedeza, Clover or Oats
Hay - Alfalfa
Hay - Legume or Grass Mixture
Hay - Other (Soybean, Millet, Sorghum/Sudangrass, etc.)
Silage or Haylage
Judge’s Choice - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department A - Section 103 - Tobacco Leaf Show JUDGING: Thursday, September 30 8:30 am CHAIRMAN: Tim Hambrick, Cooperative Extension, Winston-Salem, NC JUDGE: TBA
Rules and Regulations
1. Pre-entry is required. 2. Tobacco must be grown by exhibitor. One normal size hand will constitute an entry for Flue-cured tobacco and one stalk for Burley tobacco. 3. Exhibitor may submit (5) Five entries (one entry for each class). Each exhibitor will indicate the number of entries on the official entry blank. Entry tags will be issued, but the class will not be indicated. All entries will be graded by an Official Grader and/or judge who will place each entry in the proper class.
Tobacco Leaf Standard Varieties
Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15 4th: $10 5th: $8
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Leaf Tips
Burley (Best Stalk)
Judge’s Choice - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
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