7. No lighted candles are allowed due to fire regulations. Fair management reserves the right to remove any items if they are determined to be improper or hazardous. 8. Each organization must provide a 4” x 6” computer generated sign, stating the name of the organization, to be displayed on the tree. Sign will be placed on tree after judging has occurred. 9. NO FOOD OR CANDY MAY USED FOR DECORATION. 10. The Fair is not responsible for loss or breakage of items used for decorations. Trees will be exhibited in the church in Yesterday Village. 11. Organizations must have (4) people present and helping decorate the Christmas tree, (2) of which must be youth. More from the organization may come and take turns if they so choose. If you are a member of several organizations that have entered, you may only participate in decorating or dismantling (1) tree. 12. Decorations and trees must be removed on Monday, October 11, from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Organization must present exhibitor claim check to coordinator before tear down. Fair reserves the right to withhold premiums if dismantling occurs prior to specified release day. JUDGING CRITERIA: Creativity / Theme Chosen 20 points Theme Followed 20 points Attractiveness/Neatness 20 points Effort 20 points Youth Participation 20 points Department S5 - Section 101 - Decorated Christmas Tree Premiums: 1st: $360 2nd: $325 3rd: $290 4th: $220 5th: $190 6th: $160 Class # 1 Decorated Christmas Tree Ent ry must be submi t ted on the "Educat ional Booth / Chr ist - mas Tr ees" en t r y b l ank l oca t ed i n t he back o f t h i s book . Decortated Christmas Tree Rules and Regulations Continued
See Calendar of Events for times and location A Magic Show that teaches Agricultural facts in a whole new way. Great entertainment for the whole family.
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