2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Please Read The Following Rules, They Apply To ALL Special Food Contests. For Contest-Specific Rules, Please Read Applicable Contest Page. Special Food Contests Department S6 Youth Divisions Sponsored by Salem Smiles RULES, REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION Pre-entry is required for all special food contests and forms can be found in the back of the cata- log. Entry must be mailed or entered online by September 1. Entry blank MUST include the last four (4) digits of the social security number of contestant or entry will not be accepted. Entries will be acknowledged after September 1 by the Fair Office with an Exhibitor's letter and entry tag. If you have questions, please call the numbers provided on each contest page or the Fair Office. Bring entry toYesterday Village Pavilion on specified day and time . All of the recipe must be brought when entered unless otherwise stated. Donot attach entry tag to the container of food. Give entry tag and recipe to Contest Coordinator when checking in. ADMISSION GOOD FOR CONTESTANT ONLY ! Exception: One adult will be admitted free with youth exhibitors. Contestants will be admitted free at all gates with their entry, but others must pay gate admission. Space in Gate 8 parking lot is available for free to contestants, but space is limited and not guaranteed. If parking is full at the Gate 8, a sign will be placed in front of the lot and contestants will be responsible for finding and pay - ing their own parking. Parking fees will not be reimbursed. Please come early! Special Food Contests are for Amateurs Only! ...No professionals, unless otherwise stated. Youthdivisioncontestantsmustbe17yearsoryounger toparticipate ,unlessotherwisestated. Complete recipe should be typed (unless otherwise stated) on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of white paper for all special food contests. **No notebook paper allowed. Type or write name, address and telephone number on reverse side of recipe in the upper right corner or use address label and write phone number. Do not write exhibitor's name on the front of the recipe. DO NOT PLACE RECIPES IN SHEET PROTECTORS. List al l ingredients, exact measurements, al l preparat ion steps and number of servings. Any recipe with raw eggs in the finished product will be disquali- fied . If recipe is incomplete or not eligible, entry will be disqualified. Recipe must be brought with entry on day of contest. Entry may not be entered without recipe. No non-food decorations, or garnishes. Presentation must be confined to con- tainer. Physical damage which may occur during transit or handling will not be counted against the contestant . Entries must be brought in appropriate sized container. If entry needs to be chilled or kept warm, bring in insulated container or small cooler. No Sternos Allowed! Please follow general food safety practices. Recipes become the property of the Fair and will be used for purposes of publicity, advertising, publishing, promo- tions, etc. Entry and container will be returned to contestant immediately follow - ing judging. Judges' decision is final. Premium checks will be mailed after the Fair. If any rules are not followed, contestant will be disqualified. DO NOT FORGET YOUR RECIPE ! EXHIBITOR MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!


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