Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10 4th: Ribbon Department T - Section 102 - Grades 6 - 8
0009 0010 0011 0012
Color - People Color - Animals Color - Nature Color - Other
Judge’s Choice -Color - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Premiums: 1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10 4th: Ribbon
0014 0015 0015 0016
Black and White - People Black and White - Animals Black and White - Nature Black and White - Other
Judge’s Choice - Black and White - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Department T - Section 103 - Grades 9 - 12 Premiums: 1st: $25 2nd: $20 3rd: $15 4th: Ribbon
0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029
Color - People Color - Animals Color - Nature
Color - Architectural
Color - Other
Judge’s Choice - Black and White - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Black and White - People Black and White - Animals Black and White - Nature Balck and White - Architectural Black and White - Other
Judge’s Choice -Color - $10 & Rosette Will be selected from 1st place winners of above categories.
Category Description Definitions
People - photos of people in their natural surroundings Animal - photos capturing mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and marine life Nature - Photos taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as land- scape, wildlife, and plants Architectural - photos that encompass views of the exteriors of domestic, commercial, reli - geous, industrial, and engineering structures Other - any photo that does not fall in the categories above
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