2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Superintendent TBA Assistants TBA (All Catagories) Exhibits are to be brought to the Education Building Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm and Sunday, September 26 from 12:00pm until 4:00pm Judging: Monday, September 27 Exhibits released Monday, October 11 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm Junior Homemaking Department W RULES, REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION

1. Entries close and must be postmarked by midnight on September 1 . Exhibitor's age and last four (4) digits of Social Security Number MUST be listed on entry blank. Entry blanks must be submitted online or mailed to Carolina Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. 2. Competition is open to North Carolina and Carroll, Patrick and Grayson Counties in Virginia. There is no entry fee. Exhibitors may make only one entry in a class and exhibits in collection classes cannot compete in individual classes. 3. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor and must have been completed after October 15 of previous year. No exhibit will be accepted that has been entered in the Fair in previous years. Please give description of unspecified items, i.e., other muffins - blueberry, apple, cinnamon, etc. 4. Positively NO commercial mixes are to be used in baking and cooking classes. 5. Please make entries in proper class. Call fair office if you have questions. If items are entered incorrectly, items will not be judged - displayed only! 6. The right is reserved to destroy all products that have deteriorated. 7. Unless an article is of good quality, no premiums will be awarded. Judging criteria and other special rules concerning different departments can be found on the following pages under department headings. The right is reserved to refuse entry of any exhibit that does not comply with the rules and regulations. 8. Entries will be acknowledged by letter from the Fair Office after September 1. This letter will include entry tags for each exhibit entered. Be sure to attach entry tags to upper right hand corner of item (where practical). Use safety pin to attach tag to needlework items, attach entry tag to cardboard for baked goods, and remove string for canned food-replace with rubber band and place around neck of jar. Please do not put tape directly on tag. All accesories must be attached. Do not remove claim check. The tags are proof that you have pre-entered and will save time when checking in. Sewing and Creative Stitchery Judging Criteria GENERALAPPEARANCE - Design (suitability for material used, pleasing, interesting); Color combination; Originality; Texture combination; Pressed, Article must be clean, no soiled spots. FABRICWORKMANSHIP -Cut oncorrect grainof fabric. Evidenceof neat andevenstitches, neat - ly finishedandpressed. Clip loosestrings, press seamsopen, finishall edges, Ironcompletearticle. ECONOMIC ASPECT - Cost of upkeep in relation to value of garment. Value of garment in relation to cost in time and money. CLOTHING SHOULD BE BROUGHT ON WIRE HANGERS WITH ENTRY TAG SECURELY ATTACHED TO ITEM WITH A SAFETY PIN. NO STRAIGHT PINS, PLEASE!


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