Youth Organization Booths Department Z Superintendent Deneen Skyles, Tobaccoville, NC Assistant Judy Carroll, Pfafftown, NC Advisors Cooperative Extension Service, Extension 4-H, Old Hickory Council, Boy Scouts of America, FCCLA, Triad Girl Scout Council, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System
Exhibit booths must be set up on Saturday, September 25, between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm or Sunday, September 26, between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm in the Education Building. Booths are to be removed by members of the organization between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday, October 11. The Fair reserves the right to withhold premiums of any booth being dismantled before Monday, October 11. Judging: Monday, September 27 RULES, REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION 1. Competition open to North Carolina and Carroll, Patrick and Grayson Counties in Virginia. 2. Entries close and forms must be postmarked by midnight September 1. The NEW Edu- cational Booths / Decorated Christmas Trees Entry blanks are located in the back of Fair catalog and MUST INCLUDE organization's federal tax ID number and (2) telephone contact numbers. Mail to Carolina Classic Fair, P. O. Box 68, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or bring to the Fair Office, 421 W. 27th Street, Gate 9. Entries will not be accepted over the phone or on-line. Present entry tag to Superintendent on day of setup. Do not remove claim check. 3. The Fair reserves the right to refuse applications when all exhibit booths are filled even if received before deadline. Booth location assignments will be made based on number of spaces available. All entries will be placed in a drawing to determine placement. Once placement is made location assignment will be mailed with Exhibitor's letter after Sep- tember 1. Entry tag will be given out on day of set-up. Please see the Superintendent or Assistant upon arrival. 4. Exhibit booths are 6' wide x 8' deep with 3' high drapery dividers. The back of booth is 8' high drapery and may be decorated as desired. Booth items must not extend higher than the top of the back curtain or block the view of the next exhibit booth. An 18" high platform will be placed in each booth. If platform is not desired or electricity is needed, requests must be made on entry blank. No platforms will be removed from booths after September 21. Items such as batteries or power cords must be supplied by exhibitor. 5. DO NOT USE NAME OF GROUP, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION IN BOOTH. AN IDEN- TIFICATION SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE FAIR AND PLACED IN THE EXHIBIT AFTER JUDGING. 6 . Booth decorations may not include any hazardous material, i.e. broken glass, sharp objects. Superintendent and/or assistant may use their discretion in determining if an item(s) should be removed 7. Booths will remain on display during the entire Fair. The Fair is not responsible for exhibit booths not picked up on designated release day.
Theme for 4-H: "Second to None in 2021”
Theme for 0002-0008: " Open"
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