2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Department D - Home Garden Display

Dedicated in loving memory of ELSIE GARDNER DILLON

Wonderful Mother of Harrell, F. C. and Thurman Dillon. Elsie was a faithful exhibitor and friend of the Fair. The first place award is sponsored by the Dillon Family.

RULES, REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION 1. Exhibitors who wish to enter the Garden Display are required to submit an entry blank by the deadline entry date, September 1, to the Carolina Classic Fair, PO Box 68, Winston- Salem, NC 27102. 2. Entries are accepted only from those who are willing to certify that they planted, cultivated and harvested the produce. 3. All containers (plates and jars) are to be provided by the exhibitor. Neatly label all plates of produce and jars. 4. A complete display will have 16 plates of produce and 5 pints of canned goods. 5. A space of 32" x 80" will be provided each exhibitor. Display surface space is sloped with no sides or back. Space will be assigned after September 1.

Department D - Section 110 - Home Garden Display

Premiums: 1st: $75 2nd: $ 70 3rd: $65 4th: $60

0170 Best Home Garden Display The Display provides an opportunity for exhibitors to emphasize the impor - tance of agriculture and to show the rewards of home gardening. Because of Limited Space, we can only accept the first four (4) entries.


A. Quality, value and condition of specimen. B. Shape, size and color of specimen. C. Arrangement of the display. D. Labeling of varieties.

Displays that do not comply with all Rules and Regulations will be disqualified. The Display Will Include The Following: 1. Fresh Vegetables _A. Select four of the following varieties of small vegetables: _ (5 specimen required in each variety) 1. Onions (white, yellow or red) 6. Squash, summer 2. Peppers (sweet or pimento) 7. Potatoes, Irish 3. Potatoes (sweet) 8. Beets 4. Tomatoes, large (red or yellow) 9. Cucumbers 5. Turnips B. Select four of the following varieties of small vegetables: (12 specimen required in each variety) 1. Beans (snap) 5. Tomatoes, small (red or yellow) 2. Peas (field) 6. Okra 3. Peppers (hot) 7. October or Pinto Beans 4. Peanuts 8. Lima or Butter Beans (Cont.)


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