2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Department E03 - Section 102 - Beef Cattle - Shorthorn

Judging: Thursday, October 7, 4:00 pm See Page 37 for Entry Fee Information. “Competition Open To The World"

All animals tobeeligibleforanOpenShorthornClassmustberegisteredwiththeAmericanShorthorn AssociationasShorthornorShorthornPlus. Onlyoriginal certificatesof registrationwill beaccepted duringshow,andmustbeavailable,asevidenceof registrationandownership; NOPHOTOCOPIES . ALL OTHER RULES OF SHOW APPLY.

Department E03 - Section 102 - Shorthorn - Females

Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 Females E300 Spring Heifer Calves-Calved Mar. 1, 2020 and after E301 Junior Heifer calves, calved between Jan. 1- Feb. 28, 2020 E302 Winter Calves-Calved Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2019 E303 Senior Calves - Calved Sep. 1 - Oct. 31, 2019 Ribbon E304 Calf Champion Female E305 Reserve Sr. Calf Champion Female Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 E306 Late Summer Yearlings-Calved Jul. 1 - Aug. 31, 2019 E307 Summer Yearlings - Calved May 1 - Jun. 30, 2019 Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 E308 Spring Yearling - Calved Mar. 1 - Apr. 30, 2019 Ribbon E309 Junior Champion Female E310 Reserve Junior Champion Female Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 Premiums: 1st: $58 2nd: $53 3rd: $48 4th: $42 5th: $38 6th: $35 7th: $32 E315 Cow/Calf - Calf must be cow's natural calf, .not embryo transplant. Calf is to be no .more than 250 days of age by day of show. No age restriction on cow. Calf not eligible to compete in individual calf classes if shown with dam. Pair is eligible for .Grand or Reserve Grand Champion Female. The Calf must have the opportu- nity to .nurse. The judge may make his final placing based on this criteria. Cow and/or Calf .may be included in group class entries as individual, not as a pair com- prising a single animal unit. Banner E316 Grand Champion Female Rosette E317 Reserve Grand Champion Female E311 Junior Yearling Female - Calved Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2019 E312 Senior Yearling Female - Calved Sep. 1 - Dec. 31, 2019 Ribbon E313 Senior Champion Female E314 Reserve Senior Champion Female


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