2021 Carolina Classic Fair Competitive Entries Catalog

Department E03 - Section 105 - Red Angus - Bulls


E728 E729

Senior Champion Bull

Reserve Senior Champion Bull (out of classes E726 & E727) Banner


Grand Champion Bull



Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Department E03 - Section 105 - Red Angus - Group Classes

Premiums: 1st: $125 2nd: $100 3rd: $75


Senior Get-Of-Sire: Four animals by the same sire, both sexes represented need not be owned by the exhibitor. All animals must have been shown in respective classes Junior Get-Of-Sire: Three animals by the same sire, both sexes represented need not be owned by the exhibitor. Entries must have been calved on or after Sept. 1, 2018. All animals must have been shown in their respective classes Produce-Of-Dam: Two animals, either or both sexes, both shown in their respective classes. Animals shown in this class need not be owned by the exhibitor Breeders Herd: Four animals, bred and owned by the exhibitor or member of immediate family, either or both sexes represented. Each animal must have been shown in its respective class Banner Premier Exhibitor: Computed from exhibitor's placement in individual classes only as follows: 3 points for each 1st; 2 points for 2nd; 1 point for each 3rd. Maximum number of placements to be used to determine winner shall be limited to 5. (In case of tie, .group class placements will be used to determine the winner.)





OTTPA Tractor Pull Saturday, October 9


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