Department E11 - Jr. Market Swine Show “Competition Open To The World”
Livestock Superintendent Josh Sell, Advance, NC
Judge TBA Judging: Saturday, October 2 - 5:00 pm
1. Open to junior exhibitors world-wide that are 4 years of age and those who have not reached their 21st Birthday on January 1, 2021. See page 37 for Entry Fee Information. 2. Only junior exhibitors are allowed in ring during show. NO EXCEPTIONS!. 3. Pre-entry is required on Carolina Classic Fair entry blank and must be postmarked no later than September 1. 4. All swine will be weighed Friday, October 1, at 3:00 pm. Animals must be in pens no later than 7:00 pm, Friday, October 1, and remain on exhibit until released. 5. Exhibitors MUST own animals shown at least 60 days. Exhibitor may show the same hogs in individual and pens of three classes. 6. FEED & BEDDING: Exhibitor will feed and water animals while on Fairgrounds, and exhibitor must furnish feed. First bedding will be furnished by Fair, if available. Additional bedding can be purchased on grounds, if available. 7. Jr. Market Swine will be housed in Exhibition Center - Bldg. #3. See map inside back cover of catalog. 8. All hogs must weigh a minimum of 220 pounds HEALTH REGULATIONS All OUT OF STATE swine exhibitedmust be accompanied by a health certificate signed by an accredited veterinarian or an NCDA&CS or USDA veterinarian within 60 days of entry stating that each animal is free from any signs of infectious or communicable disease. Said certificate must also stipulate that each animal has passed a negative pseudo-rabies or come from a qualified herd. No swine will be permitted to enter show barn without the above-mentioned health certificates. PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HEALTH REGULATIONS. THEY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!!
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