Cura LifeLines Newsletter 2021

Warren J. von Eschenbach, PhD Associate Vice President and Assistant Provost; Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy and Department of Information Technology, Analytics & Operations, University of Notre Dame AI has great promise to improve the efficiency of health care and delivery of patient care. However, we have to minimize some of the ethical risks associated with doing so and understand how to integrate these technologies into clinical practices so that privacy, patient autonomy and transparency are protected.

Seventeen states have recently mandated that remote patient monitoring (RPM) is now reimbursed by private payers. That means anyone under 65 who has a chronic condition will be served and reimbursed for RPM. The market is tremendous, and the market cap is obviously significant. Bridging the gap between visits to the doctor is what RPM does.

Ryan Howard Founder and CEO, 100Plus

COVID-19 proved that technology can come to the rescue of health care. It took 15 years for the medical industry to accept that care can be delivered safely over technology. Now, we are in a completely different world.

Roy Schoenberg, MD, MPH President and Co-CEO, Amwell

From the Epic medical records and our ability to look for trends in the data, we were able to determine that physicians were ventilating their COVID-19 patients rapidly with poor survival rates. I believe these data compelled a lot of people to put their patients on their sides or their stomachs – as opposed to on ventilators – and more people survived as a result. This is one example where data can help impact patient care and optimize outcomes.

Judy Faulkner Founder and CEO, Epic

To solve some of the world’s most intractable issues, we have to bring together diverse stakeholders who care deeply about a similar set of issues but approach them from different vantage points. Breaking traditional siloes, particularly in the health care arena, has to be done. The pandemic has shown that it is possible.

Moira Forbes Executive Vice President, Forbes

In the wake of this pandemic, education is one of the most important issues we have to deal with. The sector has to take advantage of this moment in time. Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet when it comes to addressing an issue as large as education.

Emma Bloomberg Founder and CEO, Murmuration


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