Cura LifeLines Newsletter 2021

His Eminence Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi President, Pontifical Council for Culture

It’s essential to build bridges in modern culture, not to build walls. Pope Francis reaffirms this idea above all. It’s not just necessary on a social level, but also on a community level. Because everyone is part of one ideal, one phenotype. While we each have our identities, like a digital fingerprint, our own life experiences, we all have something in common – and that is humanity.

Renato Poletti President, Science and Faith (STOQ) Foundation and President, Foundation for Heritage and Cultural and Artistic Activities of the Church

A stereotyped view tends to emphasize the conflict between science and religion. There are many areas of mutual interest and overlap that can be seen when we create a dialogue between different governmental and private organizations, academic and societal bodies, lay and religious institutions to shed more light on complex phenomena.

Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò Vice-Chancellor, Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

To ensure optimal health conditions, it is essential to take care of the environment. If we want the care for the environment to be truly balanced, we must first care for ourselves, care for our relationships with others and care for our relationship with God. The teaching of the Catholic Church, for example, urges the consciences of believers to rediscover themselves as custodians of creation, capable of stewarding the gifts of the Creator, rather than living as predators of resources. This awareness is the foundation of a responsible action not only towards humanity but towards every living being. Protecting the ecological balance not only benefits our health and wellbeing, but also expresses the belief that everything in the world is intimately connected.

Monsignor Tomasz Trafny Head of Science and Faith Department, Pontifical Council for Culture General Secretary, Science and Faith (STOQ) Foundation

The dialogue on Bridging Science and Faith explored the commonalities between religion, spirituality, health and wellbeing, while examining the relationship between the mind, body and soul. We see that there are powerful bridges between science and faith and how they support and inspire each other.


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