Cura LifeLines Newsletter 2021

Otis W. Brawley, MD Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Oncology and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University More than 20% of cancer deaths wouldn’t occur if all Americans had access to prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatments. Prevention is frequently ignored, and it is critical we focus on it.

The placenta from a single birth can serve thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of recipients. That scalability is vitally important to becoming part of a therapeutic regimen. This is especially critical for treating diseases that affect large populations.

Robert J. Hariri, MD, PhD Founder, Chairman and CEO, Celularity

I actually learned from my grandmother how to define the term precision medicine: treat only what’s needed. No more, no less. And, by the way, if you do what’s right, you don’t waste money – you actually save money. That’s precision medicine.

Andrew Pecora, MD Chief Executive Officer, Outcomes Matter Innovations and Director, Celularity

Our development efforts are focused on treatments and diagnostics for mild and moderate COVID-19 that you can access at your local pharmacy and those that are administered in an outpatient setting. Our vision is to allow those who receive a positive COVI-STIX result to access COVIDROPS or COVI-AMG neutralizing antibodies to treat their infection.

Henry Ji, PhD Chairman, President and CEO, Sorrento Therapeutics

I have to give a lot of credit to the U.S. government last year. By giving us a grant of $1 billion, that allowed our company to take a lot of business risks. Before, we believed. Now, we know. The difference between believing and knowing is a huge difference in one’s willingness to take risks.

Stéphane Bancel Chief Executive Officer, Moderna

It takes a village to bring a new technology platform like CRISPR-Cas9 to patients globally, and it requires the support of regulators and the overall health system. It takes a lot of effort from the company side, but also from physicians and the patients themselves. With therapies like this, where the effect size is so large, it’s almost binary: You potentially get a cure after just one treatment.

Samarth Kulkarni, PhD Chief Executive Officer, CRISPR Therapeutics


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