2016 Band Shoppe Catalog

Don't see an in stock design that fits your performance? Check out out custom sewn flags on pages 206-216!


SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE, SHOWCASE ANY MOOD OR THEME — ALL IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP! $34.95 ea | 36" × 54" Choose from 7 in stock color combinations! COLOR CONTRAST

FLS184 Shown in:Lime, White, Apple, Spring Green Poly China Silk with Silver/Black and Silver Lamé

FLS1272 Shown in:Crimson,White, Red, Flame Poly China Silk with Silver/Black and Silver Lamé

FLS185 Shown in:Royal, White, Ocean, Sky Blue Poly China Silk with Silver/Black and Silver Lamé

FLS183 Shown in:Violet, White, Orchid, Lilac Poly China Silk with Silver/Black and Silver Lamé

FLS182 Shown in:Black, White, Dark Grey, Ash Poly China Silk with Silver/Black and Silver Lamé

FLS0452 Shown in:Lt Butterscotch, Tropical Blue, Goldenrod Poly China Silk with Blueberry and Amber Lamé

FLS0272 Shown in:Grape, Lt Orange, Orchid, Lilac Poly China Silk with Copper/Black and Gold Lamé

FLS1332 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Flame, Red and Crimson Poly China Silk with Silver and Black Ultra Lamé

FLS0802 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Periwinkle, Ocean and Royal Poly China Silk with Silver and Black Ultra Lamé

FLS1342 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Lavender, Violet and Grape Poly China Silk with Silver and Black Ultra Lamé


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