FLS216 | $39.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Goldenrod, Spice, Red, and Cinnamon Poly China Silk, with Red/Gold Lamé
FLS215 | $34.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Orange, Tangerine, Lt Orange, Champagne, Sky Blue, Turquoise, Sapphire, and Bright Blue Poly China Silk
FLS192 | $30.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Lemon, Kiwi, Apple, Lt Yellow, Spring Green, and Lt Butterscotch Poly China Silk
FLS195 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Orange, Goldenrod, Lt Yellow, and Lemon Poly China Silk
FLS0972 | $34.95 ea | 36" × 56" Shown in: Crimson, Orange Sherbert, Red and Flame Poly China Silk with Black Lamé
FLS204 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Ivory Poly China Silk with Silver and Gold Ultra Lamé
FLS197 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Ivory, Rust, Chocolate, Nude, and Maize Poly China Silk with Copper, Chocolate and Bronze Lamè
FLS193 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Coco, Dark Mint, Sand, and Mint Champagne Poly China Silk with Copper/Black Lamè
FLS201 | 29.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Sapphire, Fuchsia, Periwinkle, Magenta, and Lt Blue Poly China Silk
FLS202 | $29.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:Violet, Kiwi, Lavender, Apple, Orchid, and Lilac Poly China Silk
FLS196 | $29.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Pink and Rose Poly China Silk
800.457.3501 |
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