SILHORKO-EUROWATER SILHORKO-EUROWATER is a leading Danish/European manufacturer specialized in water treatment solutions with absolutely minimum contents of chemicals - and focus on water/energy saving technology. Water treatment with no/minimum chemicals involved fits very well with the sustainable way of thinking in modern district heating and is now being implemented within district heating in Denmark. This based on previous experience and specific recommendations from the Danish District Heating Association issued in September 2015. The full recommendation can be downloaded from our website www.eurowater.com As a company, we are involved in both technical/industrial water applications as well as drinking water – however our main business area is the district heating and energy sector (including CHP Plants/Waste-to-Energy Plants/Boiler Heating Plants etc.). We have been involved in this sector for several decades. Therefore we have acquired valuable competences in designing water treatment solutions that protect the district heating plant/network assets against corrosion – resulting in a long-life cycle for the entire plant- and pipeline network equipment. Minimizing the use of chemicals is one factor to reduce OPEX but also an important consideration related to health & safety aspects. Another factor is to provide solutions with low water and energy consumption. Furthermore our compact solutions saves expensive floor space and helps bring down costs for our partners. Apart from design, manufacturing and supply we also offer full-circle assistance related to installation, commissioning and after-sales-service. Applications include make-up water for district heating, boiler feed water, cooling water as well as solutions related to treatment of flue gas condensate, etc. The pre-engineered product range among other things includes pressure filters, softeners, reverse osmosis units, EDI, membrane degassers, UV units, and containerized units for rental and sale. SILHORKO-EUROWATER is an independent company with more than 365 highly qualified employees represented internationally in most European countries – either through subsidiary companies or through local distributors that all are water treatment specialists with local service facilities.
FREDERIKSHAVN UTILITY Frederikshavn Utility supplies heat and hot water for private households and businesses in the city Frederikshavn. District heating is a great way to harness the energy, because each household avoids having its own facility. The heat comes from the waste CHP plant in Frederikshavn, Frederikshavn CHP plant, and from two local boiler plants. The two CHP plants produce electricity and heat thus exploits they energy most efficiently. The main source is the waste CHP plant, which supplies all the heat in the summer and runs all year round. The waste CHP plant represents 35% of the heat to the customers. During the winter season, the utility starts the CHP plant, which supplies an additional 5% of the consumption. The last 60% of the heat are produced in two smaller boiler houses in Frederikshavn. They are used at peak load or when the electricity prices are so low that it is not worthwhile to start the turbines at Frederikshavn CHP plant. The heated water exits to the customers where it becomes heat in the radiators and heats the household’s hot water. The utility annually produces 224,000 MWh, which flow into a pipeline of 207 km of main lines and 201 km pipe lines. The supply utility works preventively and focused on reducing the impacts that the production has on the environment, employees and the surrounding community.
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